Jan 14, 2012

Unshakable Faith: Day 14 - The Crown

Unshakable Faith
Day 14 - The Crown

1.  Have you overcome the Fall by your faith in the cross of Jesus Christ? If so, you are an heir to the Throne.

This question is so important!  If you are not able to answer with a definite "yes!" I encourage you today to come to Jesus.  The only way to overcome the fall (sin) is to accept the gift of salvation and forgiveness of sins, through the gift of God's only Son, Jesus! Jesus came and lived a perfect life, then died on the cross. Jesus took all the sins of the world, all the illnesses and pain, and he bore them on the cross so that we wouldn't have to.  All you need to do is simply talk to God...tell him you believe in His Word.  That you believe Jesus is His only Son, Jesus died on the cross for you, and rose again on the 3rd day.  Then ask God to forgive you, make you new and whole, and to come walk with you and lead you every day.  It may seem like that wouldn't be enough, but Jesus did all the work on the cross,  now you just have to accept His gift!

"The End of The Beginning" - tells the story quite well, I hope you enjoy!

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2. Have you fallen into the trap of trying to change yourself? Did it result in looking at yourself instead of Him?

God is faithful to teach us and lead and guide us in everything, if we will just listen! I've found that it is very easy to hear from the Lord about something in your life that needs to change, and then to get so distracted by trying to change it, that you forget that it is not you, but God who can make you new!  I am so thankful for the faithfulness of God, when we forget to let Him be in control and try doing it on our own, He doesn't get angry, He doesn't say "Well, I tried and they obviously don't want My help, so I'm through!"  No, He continues to speak to us, to nudge us and to gently remind us of where we should be, and that He is the only One who can help us get there.  His patience with us, is incredible! 

3. When you sin, do you run from the lord or to Him?

I think we all naturally because of our humanity, tend to run from God when we are in sin.  But the only way to make things right and get back on the right path is to run to God.  He is willing to forgive and to restore what was lost to us, but we have to take the first step, and turn to Him.