Dec 31, 2013

5 Promises To Look Forward To In 2014

5 Promises To Look Forward To In 2014

The Lord your God in your midst,
The Mighty One, will save; 
He will rejoice over you with gladness, 
He will quiet you with His love, 
He will rejoice over you with singing. 
Zephaniah 3:17

1. God will be in with you, in your midst!
2. God (the Mighty One) will save you!
3. God will rejoice over you with gladness!
4. God will bring you peace, He will quiet you with His amazing, never changing, all encompassing, love!
5. God will rejoice over you with singing! Some versions say "with loud singing" just imagine that - God singing loudly, His heart full of gladness and love all over YOU! 

I hope no matter the circumstances you are faced with in the coming year, you will lift your cries, your songs, your heart, your everything, up to God.  Welcome Him into your life; to be your Savior, Redeemer, friend, comforter, help, guide, and joy...He is waiting for you to simply ask Him to come! 

God is good!!! I am so thankful for all He's done in 2013, and can't wait to see all He has planned for us in 2014!!  

Be abundantly blessed my friends!!

Happy New Years!  

Dec 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

This year as we looked forward to Christmas, we decided to do something different...instead of just counting down the days with our normal advent calendar, we chose to have fun while learning 25 names of God.  So I made up little tags and hung them over the fireplace.  Each tag had the date, the days left till Christmas, and a name of God.  Each day of December we've turned over a new tag to learn another name of God.  

I have to say, I didn't realize the impact this simple new advent calendar would have on us.  As the days progressed we learned and discussed different characteristics of our Heavenly Father, and daily we've been reminded of the greatest gift ever given.  This year, Christmas has more meaning, because for 25 days, we've been celebrating the true reason for the season!  

There have been days when I would turn the tag over, and be overwhelmed with the love and goodness of our God.  God is so good to us, we don't deserve it, we did nothing to earn it, and we can do nothing to change God's love for us...His love and goodness are a part of who He is.  When you look over this list, you will see that God truly is our everything, all we need is found in HIM!

Date Name of God Days Till Christmas
December 1st - Jehovah-Saboath: The Lord of Hosts 24
December 2nd - Jehovah-Shammah: The Lord is There         23
December 3rd - Jehovah-Rohi: The Lord our Shepherd 22
December 4th - Jehovah-Tsidkenu: The Lord our Righteousness 21
December 5th - Jehovah Elohim: LORD God         20
December 6th - Jehovah-Shalom: The Lord our Peace 19
December 7th - Jehovah-M'keddesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies 18
December 8th - Jehovah-Nissi: The Lord our Banner 17
December 9th - Jehovah-Rophe: The Lord Who Heals 16
December 10th - Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord will Provide 15
December 11th - Jehovah-Lord: Yahweh - God's Covenant Name 14
December 12th - Adoni: Master         13
December 13th - El Shaddai: God Almighty         12
December 14th - Tsur: God Our rock         11
December 15th - El-Gibhor: Mighty God 10
December 16th - El-Berith: God of the Covenant         09
December 17th - El-Olam: Everlasting God         08
December 18th - Eyaluth: Strength                 07
December 19th - Magen: Shield 06
December 20th - Palet: Deliverer 05
December 21st - Melekh: King         04
December 22nd - Tsaddiq: Righteous One 03
December 23rd - Gaol: Redeemer 02
December 24th - Yeshua: Savior         01
December 25th - Emmanuel: God with us!! Merry Christmas!!

Dec 8, 2013

Just Wait!!

Just Wait!!

We pray, asking God to step into our circumstances, to lead us in the way we should go, and to do the miraculous when it seems impossible.

But after we've prayed, what do we do?

If you're like me, you tend to try to figure things out while you wait for God to step in.  But I have realized lately that when the answer we expect doesn't come about right away, or it is not what we were hoping for...trying to figure it out while we wait for God's plan and timing only hinders things.   If God is asking you to wait...then just wait!  There is no requirement that you know exactly how things are going to go...or that you figure out the answer and then present it to God.  God already has the answer, and when we try to help we are like a three year old who spilled milk and tried to clean it up with the whole basket of clean towels, making more work than is necessary, instead of going to mommy to let mommy take care of it with just a couple paper towels.  

I read a scripture this week in Joshua that just hit me. 

Joshua 3:5
"Joshua told the people, 'Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.'"

When we've prayed and asked God for His guidance, protection, miraculous hand, a healing or whatever we may need...we need to follow Joshua's instructions.  Instead of trying to do it on our own, we need to make sure we are right with God, confessing our sins, our disbelief, our temptations to try to figure it out on our own, and we need to prepare ourselves to receive what God has in store...because God will do amazing things among us!!