Good Morning Holy Spirit
Chapter 10: "Only a Breath Away"
1. What action must you take to receive comfort, peace, and direction from the Holy Spirit?
All we have to do is ask and trust Him to answer.
2. How does the Holy Spirit respond to people who willfully sin?
He convicts them, and withdraws His power from their life.
3. Define the separate roles of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God the Father is the giver of all good gifts, it is through Jesus that we receive the gifts from the Father, and it is our walk with the Holy Spirit, living in the Spirit, that enables us to receive.
5. When you ask the Spirit of God to come into your heart, what are you doing?
You are making a covenant with God! Asking Him to forgive you, cleanse you, and give you eternal life...and committing and promising that in return you will love, honor, obey, serve, and glorify Him in you life, in everything you do.
6. It takes only five words to invite the Holy Spirit into your life. What are they?
"Holy Spirit, please help me!"