Breaking Free - Chapter 39: A View From the New
1. Can you describe a stronghold you have struggled with in your life?
Fear of bad things happening, fear of bugs and spiders, fear of failure, fear of losing the people I love...
Fear is a terrible stronghold, and I've dealt with it in many different forms.
2. How did the stronghold gain strength in your life?
During the time in my life when I was fearful that bad things would happen, simple things that many people wouldn't think twice about like watching a TV show about crime, would make it so that I couldn't get to sleep. Seeing the drama played out was enough to fuel the fear and get it from a small flicker to a roaring fire. I had to stop watching certain TV shows and then I spent that time reading God's Word and praying.
3. What part does insecurity play in strongholds?
It is our insecurities that make us susceptible to the lies and thoughts that become strongholds.
4. What kind of excuses have you made for not surrendering some area of your life to the authority of Christ?
I tell God I'm giving it to Him, but I tend to hold on as if I think He won't notice...I don't really give excuses, just reach over at the last minute and grab a hold of the very thing I just promised to give Him. When I think about it, it seems so crazy for me to even think I could get away with it, but somehow, I regress and start to think like a 3 year old trying to hide something in plain site from a parent. I adamantly shake my head, saying, "no, I'm not holding on to it, I gave it to you."