Feb 20, 2011

Chapter 37: The Fruit of Unfailing Love

1. Why is it unique for someone to believe that God loves?

Our minds have trouble believing in things that we cannot see, and there is not one person on earth who can show us unfailing love...everyone fails at some point, so we tend to believe the same is true of God.  We look at God as if He were a human, with all of the same downfalls, and restrictions we deal with, however, when someone truly grasps that God is God, and God is Love; it is then that they believe with their whole heart that God loves them unconditionally with unfailing love.  It takes a lot for a person to get to this point, where they never doubt God's love, but that is exactly where God wants all of us to be...resting and trusting in Him daily!

2. Why does believing that God loves cause our bonds to lose their strength?

Once your know the truth, and you truly believe it, all of the lies that have you bound, loose their power.  The light (truth) always overcomes the dark (lies)!

3. What has added most to your awareness of security in God's leadership?

Hardships; times when I could not get through it alone, and the only thing that could help me through it all was God and His unfailing love!

4. What means most to you: God's salvation, mercy, comfort, or defense? Why?

Wow, that is a hard question.  Without any of those things I would be in trouble.  I depend daily on God's Salvation to save me, on His Mercy to give me a chance when I don't deserve it, His comfort when life is just more than my frail heart can bear, and I know that He is really my only defense...without God I am hopeless, and doomed. I could not choose any one of those over the other, I need them all!