Feb 6, 2011

Chapter 31: God's Rule is Right

1. How do you react to having to obey an unrighteous authority?

I want to question how in the world they got to their place of authority, but as along as the things they ask of me are not contrary to God's Word, I'll do my best to obey, but when it comes to crossing the lines and doing something I am morally opposed to...I'll take a stand, at just about any cost.

2. Why do we want so desperately to be our own boss? Is it even possible?

We all are fallen, sinful creatures, and to understand what exactly that means to us, I would suggest reading the great book "Roll Away Your Stone" by Dutch Sheets. In this book Dutch explains just what happened when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and how that effects all of us today. Basically, we were never meant to make decisions on our own, apart from God...we were supposed to be spirit lead always listening to God's voice and following Him, but when sin entered, we became soul led, meaning we try to lead ourselves and we make most decisions without ever talking to or listening to God. We need to ask God to take control once more, and work to be obedient to Him, and that is when we will experience true freedom.  
The Apostle Paul, in Romans 6:16, makes it very clear that whether you think you are in control or not the reality is that you are a slave to someone...You get to choose, God or Satan.

"Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, 
you are slaves to the one whom you obey - 
whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, 
or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?"

3. What influences have caused your trust in God to increase?

God has strategically placed people and speakers and even friends and bible studies or books in my life at just the right moments and all of these things at one point or another had a huge effect on my trust in God.

4. Do you have authority problems? How have you become aware of them?

Not that I know of.