Feb 14, 2011

Chapter 35: The Fullness of Unfailing Love

1. Why can we find genuine satisfaction only in God? 

Because no matter what we do to try to fill the void(s) in our lives, nothing will work.  God made us, and He not only knows what we need, He purposefully created us with those voids, so that we would come to Him for satisfaction. He is the only One who can satisfy our souls! 

2. How do we find satisfaction in God? 

We find satisfaction in God when we open up every part of our lives to Him and let His Spirit and Love come in and fill up all of our emptiness. 

3. How does "Spirit-filled" compare to "Spirit-satisfied"? 

When we accept Christ as our Savior, God's Spirit comes to dwell in our soul...we are spirit-filled.
But being Spirit-satisfied, means that we have allowed the Spirit of God to move in and fill up all of the voids in our heart and soul, so that we do not need to look for satisfaction in other things.  We find our satisfaction completely in God's Spirit!   

4. How is the Spirit of God loosed in our lives? 

God's Spirit is loosed in our lives when we confess and agree with God's Word.