
I am a wife and a mother of two adorable little girls.  God has blessed me with a great family and a lots of good friends.  Throughout my life I have been involved in many different ministries, and Bible Studies, and I have come to find that studying God's Word, with other believers, is an important part of  growing in my walk with God. I know that as a wife and mother, life can be crazy and hectic; finding time to go to a bible study can be difficult to say the least.  As I was praying about this issue, asking God how to fit it all in, I felt like the Holy Spirit brought the idea of this blog to me.  And at first, I thought, it would be great for someone else.   So I talked to a good friend of mine, to see what she thought about it, and she kindly, but firmly, pointed out that if God gave me the vision for it, and I have the means and capability, that maybe God wanted me to do it myself.  Well, as you can imagine, that kind of threw me for a loop, but very quickly I found that she was correct.  So here I am working my way through Bible Studies.  I pray that somehow it will be a blessing to those who choose to join me, whether it is for just a quick glance, following along for a full study or multiple studies.   So I would like to thank you for joining me on this journey, I pray that you will be blessed and find yourself growing and walking closer with Jesus each and every day!
