Good Morning Holy Spirit
Chapter 2 - From Jaffa to the Ends of the Earth
1.Do you talk with the Lord in your prayers as if He was a good friend who stopped by? Practice spontaneous and open prayer right now.
It may seem odd at first, talking out loud to someone you can't see...but I have found that the times when I speak to Jesus as if He is right there, like a friend who came to visit, these are some of the most wonderful times of communion and closeness. I encourage you to try it!
2. Do you need to suffer for God to take you seriously? Why, or why not?
No! I believe that there are times of suffering, and those times help us to draw on our faith in Jesus, and when we walk through the hard times leaning on Him, we come out stronger than we were before. But even in the good times when we call on the Lord He hears us, and is right there with us. We should always lean on the Lord and trust Him, and stay in close communion with Him whether in good or bad times.
3. How do you interpret the author's dream about being a prisoner in chains and led down endless stairs?
I believe that the Lord was showing Benny, that he was slowly being pulled and lead down into the evil and darkness of sin. It was showing Benny that he had a need for a Savior.
4. In the same dream, what is the symbolism of the angel's appearance and the shackles falling from the author's hands and feet?
The Angel in the dream represented Salvation through Jesus, when we accept this amazing gift, His sacrifice on the cross pays the price for our sins and we are set freed from our chains and burdens and He brings us out of the darkness into His glorious light.
5. Does God use dreams and visions to send messages to "ordinary" men and women? describe a dream that seemed to carry a message for you.
Absolutely! God has given me many dreams in my lifetime, and though I have not always understood them right away, in God's time He reveals what they mean. Just this last December God gave me a dream, it would take too long to tell the whole thing, but the gist is this...
All my friends and family were gathered together at my house, and before we had time to realize all of what was going on, I mean by the time we heard, saw, and recognized it for what it really was, a huge bomber dropped two huge missiles on either side of the house. Everything for miles around was gone, Everyone was in a panic trying to figure out what to do, Flames were lapping the side of the house and coming through the windows...I ran to get my girls out of their beds, and as I returned to the living room I woke up.
At first I focused on the panic, terror and horror of seeing great destruction all around, and living through such a terrible experience, because it was as real as a dream can get...Real!! But for the next two weeks the Lord faithfully showed me through sermons I heard, scriptures I read, devotionals I read, even songs I heard on the radio, over and over again God showed me that this dream may have been a warning of something terrible coming, but that is not what God wanted me to focus on. He wanted me to know that no matter the terror, or the fear, He is here, protecting us. Not even huge missiles landing right outside our house can get through God's covering of protection. I believe this dream is more a promise of protection from whatever may come, than a warning of things to come, and I am so thankful that God loves me enough to give me this promise personally, not just for me but for my friends and family as well. Thank you Jesus! You are so Good!!