Good Morning Holy Spirit
Chapter 8: A Mighty Entrance
1. Do you have an answer in your heart to the personal question, What does the Lord have in store for me?
Yes, I know that God has great plans for me, plans to prosper me, plans for a hope and a future. But I also know that God desires that in all things we grow to become more like Christ daily. We were made to be a refection of Him...everything we go through, whether good or bad, all works out for good, it all brings about God's plan in our lives, and there is nothing better than God's plan for us.
2. How can you find the answer to the previous question?
The only way to know what the Lord has in store for you, is to know Him personally. Spend time in His Presence, and in His Word, ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and to lead and guide won't be long before you see that every promise in God's Word is for you, and all God's promises are true, He hasn't failed yet and He never will...He is faithful at all times in all things.
3. What is the Father's great desire for us?
The Father's greatest desire is to have a personal relationship with us, to see the reflection of His Son in us. You see without Jesus in us, we have no place in God's Presence, without Jesus' refection we are not good enough, nothing we do will ever be enough...that is why we needed a Savior, and still need a Savior today...It is only through Jesus that we can boldly stand in the presence of the Most High God.
4. Read the complete book of Acts. In your own words, write down God's plan for us.
I believe that God's plan for us is this...To be cleansed and forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus, to walk daily in His presence, to be lead by the Holy Spirit, to change from glory to glory, becoming more like Jesus everyday. We are to live victoriously, boldly, and righteously. We are to have faith, not fear, to love and serve others with meekness and humility, and to make our relationship with God our first priority, then all of the other things will fall into place. God has taken care of everything, He is so good!
5. What is the purpose of the signs that follow in the Holy Spirit's presence?
I believe the purpose of the signs that follow the Holy Spirit's presence is to build believers faith, and to show the non-believer that God is real. The signs are to bring God glory, not man. They always lead people directly to Christ.
6. Is the Holy Spirit for everyone? Is He here today for you? How do you know? Read Acts 5:32;
Yes, He is for everyone! Yes, He is here today for all of us! I know these things because of what I've read in the scriptures, but I also know through experience, the Holy Spirit has touched my life, and I will never be the same.
7. What is the foundation and authority for all of the work the Holy Spirit was sent to do?
The foundation and authority for everything the Holy Spirit does is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.