Feb 5, 2011

Chapter 30: God's Right to Rule

1. When do we experience freedom in Christ?

Only when we surrender and let God be in complete control...it is then that His Spirit can flood our lives, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!

2. What is the difference between working our way to freedom and withholding no part of our lives from God's authority?

Working our way to freedom is not effective, but surrendering to God's authority will bring complete freedom.

3. How does believing in God's right to rule affect your obedience?

Believing in God's right to rule in our lives, makes it very clear that obedience is the only way we can experience freedom, and gives us some motivation to be obedient in all we do.

4. How does believing that God's rule is right affect your obedience?

When we believe that God's rule is right, it creates a foundation for trusting God to rule in every area of our lives.

5. How does seeing God as the center of your universe make a difference in your life?

When God is the center of the universe, it takes the focus off of us, and all of the petty things we tend to get stuck on, creating freedom from the things that cause frustration, and helping us to remember what is really important.