May 25, 2012

Good Morning Holy Spirit - Chapter 12

Good Morning Holy Spirit
Chapter 12: Heaven On Earth

1.  Do you believe in healing by faith? Why, or why not? If not, state your reasons, not your feelings or emotions.

Yes! It is through faith that we are saved, and it is through faith that we receive healing.  Jesus said, "If you have faith like a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move!' and it will be thrown into the sea".  Faith (even if only the size of a mustard seed) is an important part of the Christian life, without faith, you will not do anything, including receive salvation!

2. Whom does the Holy Spirit promote through His works? Is it you, God, Himself, or Jesus?

Jesus! The Holy Spirit always promotes Jesus, because believing in Jesus is the key to receiving all that God has for us.

3. What is the source of the Holy Spirit's gifts?

God is the source of all gifts, Jesus is what gives us access to God's gifts and the Holy Spirit is the one who delivers those gifts to us.

4. How do you know when the convicting power of the Holy Spirit is working in your life?

When you find yourself feeling the need to pray...that's the power of the Holy Spirit working in your life.  When you find yourself convicted of sin...that's the power of the Holy Spirit working in your life.
When you are full of joy and just can't help but sing praises to God...that's the power of the Holy Spirit working in your life.
When you find yourself facing a mountain far too big, and you find yourself on your knee's calling out for God's help...that's the power of the Holy Spirit working in your life.

He is the One who prompts us, nudges us, and constantly calls out to us, following us through our darkest hour and even into our brightest day...always making known to us that Jesus is the answer to all of life's problems.

5. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit has been given to you as a guarantee of ____________.

Eternal Life!

6. What is the greatest purpose of the Holy Spirit?

The greatest purpose of the Holy Spirit is to draw people to Jesus...then once we accept Jesus as our personal Savior, the Holy Spirit works in our hearts and lives, to help us to daily die to ourselves, and live in Christ.  He strengthens us, teaches us, comforts us, leads and guides us, anoints us, helps us pray, gives us rest and a whole lot more!!

7. Have you asked the Holy Spirit to come into your life? Have you asked Jesus Christ to come into your life? If not, you can do so right now by praying, "Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner.  I believe that you are the Son of God and You shed Your precious blood on the cross for me.  Forgive me of my sin. Cleanse my heart from all unrighteousness.  I thank you for saving me now. Amen."

If you prayed that prayer just now, you are a new creation, and God and all the angels in heaven are celebrating today because you have become a part of the family of God.  You will never walk alone, your heavenly Father loves you more than words can say...I am so glad I get to call you my brother or sister in Christ! Welcome to the Family!! 

I encourage you to find a local group of believers to fellowship with regularly, and start studying God's Word daily... God has great plans for you!! :o)