1. Why do we struggle so much with the "daily-ness" of obedience to God?
We struggle with the daily-ness of obedience because we are human. We are not perfect and this world has a lot of things to distract us and cause us to forget to check in with God. When we don't check in with God each day, we don't know how He is leading us, or where He is leading us to, and if we don't know where He is leading, there is no possible way we can follow Him and be obedient daily.
2. Which of the five benefits of a daily walk with God means the most to you?
They are all so good! But the one that means the most to me is number 2 "God offers us the daily treasure of His sure foundation."
3. How important to you is a fresh morning word?
It sounds absolutely wonderful, but I am not a morning person, and I do much better spending time with God in the evening, it is when I am able to sit down and focus without all of the morning routine and distractions. I guess, I see how it would be beneficial to have God's Word first thing in the morning, but I think it is more important to make sure you are getting His Word daily, the time of day really does not matter.
4. What is your biggest temptation when you don't feel that God is illuminating your way clearly?
My biggest temptation is to try to light my own torch and make it on my own understanding, instead of just waiting and allowing God to lead me even though I cannot see where I am going.