1. What risk do we run when we base our relationship with God on His works?
Disappointment. God's ways are much higher than ours, and the way he decides to handle a situation may not be what you expected, it may be completely opposite of what you wanted, and far from what you had prayed specifically for...But God knows best and His love never changes!
2. What is our deepest psychological need?
To be loved, unconditionally, unfailingly no matter what!
3. How does Christ meet that need?
God is love, the unconditional, unfailing no matter what, type of love and therefore He cannot do anything other than love us in that same way. Christ made it possible for us to receive this unfailing love, and the forgiveness we need in order to spend eternity with Him.
4. How have you learned that God is the answer not only to your needs but also to your wants?
Through out my life, God has always provided for my needs, but He also has provided my hearts desires. This becomes very apparent when I really evaluate my life and all of the blessings I have; many of which I consider a need, but really they are just wants, and desires, but God in His love and mercy has granted them to me.