Feb 3, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 34: The Fall Deepens

Unshakable Faith
Day 34: The Fall Deepens

1.  Have you been known to slip into self-centeredness?

It is in the human nature to be self-centered...the scriptures say that there is nothing we face that is not common to all man...so if one person deals with self-centeredness, we all deal with it at one point or another.  The important thing is realizing our natural tendencies towards being self-centered, and to continually ask God to help us to love others and to put others before ourselves.

2. Have you been know to hide you sins?

We all want to look good to other people, we all have a certain amount of pride that makes us want to cover up or hide our faults from other people.  But we all have to come to the place where we realize that all the hidden sin in our lives is hindering us from living the abundantly blessed life God has planned for us.  No matter who you are, where you've been, or what you've done...it is always better to acknowledge your mistakes, take responsibility for your actions and to be completely honest about them.

3. Have you been known to shift the blame?

I remember as a kid getting in arguments with my sister. It was just about always over something insignificant, but we always made a huge deal out of it.  And before the issue was settled, we would always try to blame each other, "She started it!" or "She hit me first" or the classic "she touched me!" I think all children have times when they cast blame on someone else, and we might think we as adults have out grown this childish game of blame.  But the reality, is that we all are guilty of playing this game everyday.  We might disguise it as some mature adult way of thinking, but really it is the same as what we did as kids.  We need to realize that trying to blame others, the environment, our school systems, or the government, etc. for our problems only makes our problems worse.  The only thing that will make our problems better, is for us to realize that we can not control everything else, but we have the ability to control ourselves, and if something needs changed we should start with changing ourselves!