Unshakable Faith
Day 33: The Voices
1. Have you countered satan's tactics by developing your own ability to hear the Lord, understanding what He is saying, and obeying His voice?
Yes! It is so important for us not only to be able to hear His voice, but to distinguish the difference between His voice and the voices of those whose only goal is to lead us away from Him. One way to develop your ability to hear Him and know His voice, is by spending time in His Word, in His presence and with other mature believers who can help lead and guide and teach you.
2. Can you quickly and easily distinguish His voice from all of the other voices in the world?
Yes, over the years, I have come to know God's voice and to cherish the words God speaks to me. It is such an amazing experience to have a close personal loving relationship with the King of all Kings! I am so thankful that He loves me and wants to spend time with me, not only that but He provides for me, and protects me...I am awed by the care and love He gives everyday!
3. Have you ever attended or are you attending a "dead" church?
Thankfully, I can answer this question with a resounding, "No!" I have been blessed to be a part of some wonderful churches...churches that are very much alive and living empowered lives through the inner-working of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and lives of not just the Pastors, but in the hearts and lives of the congregation as well.