Unshakable Faith
Day 47: Noah And The Nephilim
1. Have you learned to be comfortable in the presence of angels because there is a great deal of interchange between them and humankind, especially believers?
This is not something I think about on a daily basis, but scripture is clear that God has given His angels charge over us, this means they are assigned to protect and work on our behalf. Also, scripture says that some people entertain angels with out knowing it. The knowledge that they are there is in the back of my mind, but I have not really thought about it. So I guess I am completely comfortable with it...it just seems normal to me.
2. The Scriptures are clear that some will not only do the works that Jesus did, but greater works. Do you think this is possible?
Yes, if Jesus said it, and He did! Then it is true. We may have trouble comprehending it, or fully grasping it, but it doesn't change the truthfulness of it.
3. Christians who are born again by the Spirit of God are in fact a "super race." Are you a member of this "super race"?
Yes! When we accept Jesus as our personal savior His Spirit, the Holy Spirit comes and resides inside of us. We are now enabled to do what was impossible before, not because of who we are but because of Christ working in and through us.