Unshakable Faith
Day 46:Walking With God
1. Have you accepted your invitation to draw near to Him?
Yes, I so long to be close to my Heavenly Father...I hunger for more of His Word and His presence in my life...I spend hours studying, and getting to know Him...I also talk with Him and spend time just listening to Him as He speaks to me...I love the Lord more than anything...He is my everything!
2. Have you sacrificed all of the things that distract you from becoming closer to Him?
I have given up many things that were distractions to me, but I sense the Holy Spirit nudging me telling me that there are other things in my life, that distract me from spending time with Him, and growing in my relationship with Him. You see, God already knows everything about each one of us. He made us, and He knows our every thought and even the number of hairs on our heads. We are the ones who need to learn more about Him, and to draw near to Him...If there is something in our lives that keeps us from doing what we need to, to get to know Him and spend time with Him, we need to sacrifice it, let it go, give it up, the trade off is always worth it.
3. "There is nothing that says we cannot walk with God to the point that He just takes us up like He did Enoch. Could this in fact be what the rapture really is?"
I would love to walk that closely with God! WOW!! And I agree that there is not anything in God's Word that says it is not possible, if one man could do it, any of us could...but I believe that the rapture of the church is when Jesus returns for His Bride (the whole church, all Christians)...Not just a few christian's who grow close enough to God that God takes them.