Unshakable Faith
Day 43:A Curse From The Ground
1. "The very earth itself curses man today in many regions because of the innocent blood that has been shed upon it." What regions come to mind when you read this statement?
Hmmm, well there are many different regions in the world today who are suffering famines, earthquakes, tsunamis etc. But one of the ones that stand out most in my mind, is right here in America. This nation was founded on God's Word, the laws and constitution was made to uphold a standard of living while giving people freedom, justice and the pursuit of happiness. But the sinful choices made and even made lawful over the years have taken their toll. We cannot remove prayer, the Word of God and all moral values from our homes and Schools and expect God's blessings to continue to fall. We cannot allow innocent babies to be murdered by the thousands each year and not pay the consequences...America is dealing with huge issues today, and the only hope we have is to repent of our sins and bring God back into our everyday day lives, not just on Easter and Christmas, even every Sunday is not enough...We need to be in His Word, spending time in His presence each and every day.
2. Are there generational curses affecting your life or the life of your family that need repentance and restoration?
There are things passed down from generation to generation that we must repent of, and remove from our lives. I believe everyone has things in their lives that they naturally tend to do, because of a generational curse. I have dealt with fear all my life...and so has just about all of my sister's and there are five of us. Do you think that is a coincidence? I don't think it is...somewhere up the line sin caused this generational curse to enter all of our lives. I have spent much time praying, repenting of being fearful, quoting scriptures and claiming God's promises, and when fear tries to come in, it is met with the full armor of God and doesn't stick around for long...My children will not deal with this generational curse, it stops with me!
3. Repentance can be the beginning of the release of God's grace and favor in your life.
Repentance is key! Only when we ask God for forgiveness and then turn from our sin, will we see God's favor and blessings in our lives.