Unshakable Faith
Day 40: The Offering
1. Are you giving to God from your own works or through the blood of Jesus?
No matter how hard we work, nothing we could ever come up with on our own would ever be a good enough gift for The King of Kings...It is easy to get into the mind set of trying to fix things and make things right before turning it over to God, but this never works. We must come to Him just as we are, and let Him do the work for us. When Jesus went willingly to the cross, and His innocent blood was shed for us, the price was paid. It is only through His blood that we can dare to stand in the presence of a most holy God.
2. The true root of almost every division within the Church is jealousy. Have you seen this happen?
Yes, I have seen jealousy cause great divisions, even close friends turn on each other when jealousy takes root. We all need to be careful, to recognize jealousy for what it is...and ask God to work on us, to help us to find our worth in Him, not in how we see ourselves compared to others. We can not go through life trying to be exactly like other people...we need to get to the place where we know who we are in Christ, and we live our lives to please Him, not to compete with someone else.
3. Do you trust in the cross for the ultimate victory?
Most definitely YES! I know myself well enough to know that without the cross, I would be a complete mess. There is no way I could ever succeed without the work of the cross in my life. Victory will only come through Jesus!!