Unshakable Faith
Day 32: Fear
1. Have you experienced unholy fear of God that leads to further corruption of the soul, which caused you to run from Him instead of to Him?
No, I have always known since I was a young child that God is the one and only person I could always run to and depend on fully. My parents taught us from a young age to love and trust our heavenly Father.
2. Are you vulnerable enough to take the first step toward redemption and restoration?
Yes and no! It really depends on the situation. If we are talking about me making a mistake and needing restoration with God, then Yes! I quickly admit my mistake and ask for His forgiveness. But when it comes to relationships with other people, it is a lot harder for me to admit that I am not perfect! I want others to see me at my best, and I go to great lengths to make sure my best foot is forward. I have trouble taking off the masks, being real and letting people see me when I'm down.
3. How hard is it for you to accept that God's grace is extended to even the most grotesque murderers and transgressors?
Grace is not something we can earn, it is not something that is based on our merit or good works. Websters dictionary defines it as "unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification" Since grace is unmerited, none of us are worthy of it, so none of us have the right to say someone else is more unworthy of it. That is the beauty of grace!