Unshakable Faith
Day 25: Openness
1. You can have love, and you can have forgiveness, but if you do not have trust, it will be a shallow relationship.
Trust is such an important part of all relationships. I know that in my walk with Christ, there have been times when God has required me to step out in faith, and lean fully on Him even though I knew the answer might not be what I wished or hoped for, but I needed to trust that God knew what was best for me. Trust is part of what makes a relationship work, without trust you really don't have much!
2. Is there something you are ashamed of?
"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus," Romans 8:1
3. Is there something in your life that you are afraid will be uncovered?
The truth will set you free! Talk with a close friend who you can trust, be open and honest ask them for their support and prayer. Trying to hide a mistake will keep you in your own prison, but getting the truth out in a trusted environment will set you free...Satan can only hold over you the things you have hidden, once the truth is out, it takes all the wind out of his sails.