Unshakable Faith
Day 16 - Unity
1. Do you agree that women have strengths and perspectives that men do not have, and men have strengths and perspectives that women do not have?
Yes! I believe that God created men and women with different strengths and perspectives, so that when they work together they compliment each other...where one is weak the other is strong and where one might view the situation one way the other can view it differently to help get a better view when they work together. God did not make any mistakes when He created us, we just need to learn to appreciate our differences and learn to work together, instead of trying to change each other.
2. How have the roles of men and women been severely challenged in this time?
The roles men and women have today are much different than they were even 200 years ago. Some of the changes are good, and others are not so good. Since the focus of this blog is on helping women grow in their daily walk with Christ, I am going to focus on us girls for a moment. Today it is not uncommon for women to act as the leader in the home, however, God created us to submit to our husbands...this doesn't mean that we are not as important as our husbands or slaves to our husbands. What it means is that the husband should be the leader, making choices and decisions for the family based on what is good for everyone involved. And then we, as the submitting wives, come naturally under the protection of our husbands. God set it up this way, to protect us. When we stop doing things God's way, and try it our own way, we end up with huge problems. I encourage you today to start allowing your husband lead, God wouldn't have set it up the way He did for no reason, so trust God and submit to your husband, and just see how the Lord blesses you both!
3. Have you witnessed or heard about great churches and movements that have died with the death of their founder(s)?
It is sad when someone spends their life working and building something they hope will make a difference for many years to come, and then as soon as their gone, it slowly dies and soon it is just a long lost memory. I think many times this happens when the church members expect the leader to feed them, and they never grow up to feed themselves. God did not give us pastors, prophets, and teachers, to hand feed us all of our days. God gave them to us as leaders to help us as we read and study and grow on our own. If you depend on your Pastor to feed you each Sunday and hope that it is enough to get you through till the following Sunday, you have missed the point. Just as our bodies need physical food each day, our spirits need spiritual food each day...once a week is not enough!! We need to make sure we are taking responsibility for our own spiritual growth and not constantly depending on our Pastors, teachers and leaders!