Jan 29, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 29: The Fall

Unshakable Faith 
Day 29: The Fall

1.  have you been guilty of sins of omission, which is not doing good when it is in your power to do it?

There have been times when God has laid something on my heart, and I have allowed doubt to keep me from being obedient and stepping out of my comfort zone to do or say something that God was asking me to do.  One such time, as a teenager, I was leading worship for our youth group, and I felt the Lord prompt me to have the worship team sing a specific song, and then to pray. I hesitated and went ahead with what we had already practiced before hand, and when I turned the service over to our youth pastor, he immediately requested the team to sing that song, and then started to pray.  Here is the deal, the very words I had in my head to pray, were the words he prayed, and I immediately knew that I had been disobedient to the Holy Spirit's leading.  The amazing thing is that God doesn't just give us random things to say or do, He has a reason for everything.  Someone in the youth group that day needed to sing that song, and hear those specific words.  My disobedience didn't keep them from getting what they needed...God provided some other way, but I missed out on the blessing that always follows obedience.  

2. Are you fleeing from sin by pursuing righteousness, fleeing from hatred by pursuing love, fleeing from fears by pursuing faith, fleeing from impatience by seeking to be more patient?

Yes! It is not enough to just say "I'm going to stop doing this sin!", we need to actively seek to fill the void, time, or space in our lives where the sin was with Christlike traits.  If we stop doing something bad, but forget to fill that area of our lives with Godliness, that void will end up full of sin much worse than the original sin.

3. Do you have a vision of growing in the grace. fruit and power of the Spirit?

Yes! I know that in and of myself, there is nothing worth bragging about.  There is nothing in me alone that will make a huge difference in anything going on in this world.  But when I look at Christ and see His love, grace, mercy, and power working through me, I see that all things are possible! Christ gives me the strength, the joy, the peace, and all the fruits of the Spirit to cause great things to happen not only in my life but in the life of those around me.  Without growth in the grace, fruit and power of the Spirit, my life would loose all hope, and purpose.