Unshakable Faith
Day 27: The Trap
1. When you face temptation, are you more like Eve or Jesus?
That is a hard question...my first thought is to say more like Jesus, but I am by no means perfect, so then I think maybe I should say more like Eve, but I don't find myself constantly being deceived by Satan and his schemes, so I guess I am somewhere in the middle, but I'd like to think I am closer to being like Jesus than being like Eve.
2. What is sin?
Sin is disobedience to God. If God's Word says we should so or should not do something and we act contrary to what it says, we are in sin. It is really that simple!
3. Do you desire understanding for the sake of becoming more perfect in your obedience?
Yes, I want to better understand God's Word, to find new nuggets of truth and to get a deeper understanding, so that I will be able to have a better understanding of who God is and His characteristics...I want to learn from the mistakes of others, and continually grow in my walk with Jesus!