Jan 1, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 1 - The Beginning

Unshakable Faith
Day 1 - The Beginning

1. The strength of a foundation determines the magnitude of what can be built upon it.  How deeply do you understand "in the beginning God," which determines the spiritual strength of your entire life?

I have heard the story of Creation, since before I can remember, and throughout my life God has revealed many things to me about Himself and His purposes through this amazing account of how everything came to be.  To know that God was here before anything else and that He knew the how it would all end before He even set the world in motion...is very humbling and encouraging...not only is He in control, but nothing surprises Him, He knows all and see's all...and It all works out in the end...we just have to let Him lead us!

2. How an event, project, ministry, and so on is started is often the primary factor in the quality of what is finished.  Think about something you started on a whim and something you prepared for before starting.  Were the outcomes the same or different?

When my husband and I were engaged to marry, we went through marriage classes and we spent many hours talking and making plans and arrangements not just for the wedding, but for our future together... and we will continue to plan and dream for many years to come...
I once found a teach yourself how to knit kit on sale for three dollars...so I quickly made the decision that it was completely worth the three bucks and that I would teach myself to knit...however good my intentions were, that kit to this day (five years later) has not been opened, and I do not even know if I still have it...

3. Have you kept the ultimate purpose of God as the focus of your life? If not, are you continually distracted by the lesser purposes of God?

Yes, I know that God's desire is for us to live our lives serving and worshiping Him, He desires that we all become a reflection of His character, and the only way you grow more like someone is by spending quality time with them.  This is part of the reason I created this blog...we all need the opportunity to study God's Word, so that we are growing in our walk with Christ, becoming more like Him daily.