Unshakable Faith
Day 11: Life
1. Are you a devoted conservationist, counting precious what your wonderful creator has given you to enjoy?
God gave us this beautiful earth to live on, the plants and animals for food, water to drink and the absolute beauty of all creation to enjoy. But with that gift comes a high level of responsibility...we need to be thoughtful and respectful, always doing our best to take care of this beautiful gift God has given us. Just as I would expect my children to take care of a nice gift I've given to them, so God expects His children to take care of His gifts to us.
2. Have you ever had to "eat your words"? Was it a sweet or bitter experience?
I've had both, it is definitely more pleasant to have to eat your own kind, positive, and sweet words, than it is to have to eat your mean, negative and bitter words. The things a person says, may affect other people, but the words will always affect themselves.
3. Do you speak words of life and hope, determining to overcome death by bearing a fruitful life?
I certainly try! It is not always easy, and it definitely doesn't always come naturally, but it is a part of the high calling God has for all of His children,. So we all should strive to speak positive words, of life and hope as often as possible.