Feb 27, 2012

Good Morning Holy Spirit - Benny Hinn

John 14:15-18

“If you love Me, keep My commandments. 
And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 
the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 
I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you."

Jesus gave us this promise, a promise of a Helper, who will abide with us forever.  I am so thankful for this gift, and so I am very excited to start a study on this very topic, 
next month.  What better way to get to know the person of the Holy Spirit, than by spending time with Him daily.  My hope and prayer is that as we study this great book, "Good Morning Holy Spirit" written by Benny Hinn, we will all grow closer in a daily walk with the ultimate Helper, Counselor, and Teacher - God's Holy Spirit!

Please grab a copy of this book and join me!


Feb 24, 2012

His Timing Is Perfect

God knows the past, He knows the present but more importantly He knows the future.  Sometimes we do things or put things off, not knowing why, it just seems right, or it is just what works at the moment.  But Today I am reminded that God plans it all out.  It all comes together to fit perfectly in His plans.  

Let me give a little example...

I signed up for some free online bible classes about 3 or 4 months ago.  The lessons are great, and I was really enjoying them and keeping up on them.  Then the new year came, and I started the Unshakable Faith Study for this blog and it was just to much to keep up with.  There were times when I would think about the lessons waiting for me, but I just didn't have the time to read them and study them thoroughly. So I kept putting it off.  Today I finally sat down and worked through a session from my online classes, and it spoke directly into an area of my life I was not going through earlier in the year. Had I read it sooner, I might have overlooked something I really needed to get! And then to top it off, today's reading out of my Bible reading plan covered the very scripture the lesson was all about.  
It may seem as if it could be just coincidental, but I don't believe it was a coincidence for a moment! I believe that God has orchestrated it all just right. So, that I read and studied the very thing I needed, right when I needed it.  And He also used it to show me in yet another way, just how good He is! I am so thankful for God's grace, goodness, mercy, and love...Where would I be without Him? Where would you be? 

His timing is perfect.  Trust Him.  He will work it all out!

Feb 23, 2012


" A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."
- Arabian Proverb

I had the privilege of joining a fun group of ladies for a girls weekend at the coast.  We laughed, we cried, but more importantly we sat down face to face, we looked each other in the eye, we got to know each other personally, and we grew together.  It was so incredible to see how God would put two women together for a game or project and then to see how their lives connected and touched each other.  The scripture "two are better than one, for if one falls down the other can help him back up" comes to mind.  God is so good to bring people into our lives who can encourage us, and come along side of us to help us along the way.

You see, God doesn't want us to go through life isolated and alone.  He created us to have friends! Some may only be in your life for a short time, others may be there for all time.  Either way, God has put those people in each of our lives for a reason and with a purpose.  

One of the things I realized this weekend is that we can't go through life expecting the friends to just come to us.  Relationships are hard work, we need to be willing to take that first step and reach out in love.  If you are struggling with the friendships and relationships in your life, or the lack of, remember to go the extra mile, send a card, go out of your way to say hi, be the best friend you can be. Just a simple smile may brighten someones day, and that person may just be the good friend you are looking for! 

Feb 21, 2012

Where a Desolate Soul Finds God - Francis Frangipane

Here is a excerpt from a book written by Francis Frangipane...I thought it was so good, I just have to share.  To find more from Pastor Frangipane please visit www.frangipane.org

Where a Desolate Soul Finds God
By Francis Frangipane
(En EspaƱol)

In spite of breakthroughs in several regions, many Christians have grown weary. Their love is growing cold; their passions, lukewarm. The prophet Daniel warned of a time when the enemy would "…wear down the saints of the Highest One” (Dan. 7:25). To emerge victorious in this day, we must climb into the reality given to us by God in Psalm 91. There is a place of replenishing life, a fountain of light, wherein we can abide. The Bible calls this place the shelter of the Most High.

Elijah: A Man Like Us
Elijah was a man with passions like ours, and he fought in a spiritual war similar to ours. In his battle for the soul of Israel, he stood against the wiles of Jezebel and her husband, King Ahab. Yet his most intense battle was not against visible foes but against personal discouragement.

As bold as Elijah was, he lived as a fugitive moving in and out of caves and places of hiding. Jezebel had murdered nearly all of the Lord's prophets, replacing their godly influence with the dark, satanic oppression accompanying the priests of Baal and the Asherah. A new initiative, however, had come from the Lord: Both Elijah and the prophets of Baal were to build altars, each to the deity they each served. The God who answered with fire would be acknowledged as Lord over the nation.

King Ahab and all Israel came to the confrontation. Try as they may, the priests of Baal could draw no response from their demonic idol, Baal. In dramatic contrast, at Elijah's prayer, fire immediately fell from heaven and consumed his sacrifice. This was Elijah's greatest victory. And when the Israelites saw the display of God's power, they bowed to the ground saying, "The Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is God" (1 Kings 18:39).

But the Lord was not finished. After Elijah had the priests of Baal executed, he went to the top of Mount Carmel and, kneeling face down, he prayed seven times for rain until the Lord brought a great downpour that ended a devastating three-year drought. On this one day, both fire and rain miraculously fell from heaven!

Perhaps if this tremendous day had occurred at any other time in Israel's history, the nation would have repented, but it did not. Baal worship should have ended, but it continued. In fact, nothing changed. Instead of the revival that Elijah envisioned, the opposite occurred: an enraged Jezebel vowed to kill the Lord's prophet, spurring Elijah to flee into the wilderness. There Elijah collapsed, exhausted and despondent, beneath a juniper tree. "It is enough; now O Lord," the weary prophet prayed, "take my life, for I am not better than my fathers" (1 Kings 19:4).

Elijah had offered the Lord his very best effort. This day had been the culminating event of his life. Elijah had prayed that Israel would know the Lord was their God and that, in response, the Lord would turn Israel's "heart back again" (1 Kings 18:37). Yet, like the prophets before him, Elijah could not trigger revival for Israel.

Discouragement overwhelmed him. He had had enough.

Have you been to the point of spiritual or emotional exhaustion where you too have said, "It is enough"? Perhaps you were frustrated by your own inability to effect positive change in your family; or, you've fasted and prayed for your church or society but no visible change occurred. You gave your all but found little success. Disheartened and weary like Elijah, all your resources were spent.

Elijah lay down and slept. As he did, an angel touched him and said, "Arise, eat" (1 Kings 19:5). At his head were bread and water. Elijah, weary with life itself, ate and withdrew back into sleep.

Once more the angel touched him. "Arise," he said. "Eat, because the journey is too great for you" (v. 7). For all our visions, plans, and programs, the journey before each of us is also "too great." Indeed our journey will always, at various points, be too great for us. For life is so constructed to drive us closer to God.

Back to Our Foundations
“So [Elijah] arose and ate and drank, and went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mountain of God” (1 Kings 19:8).

The Lord gave Elijah strength, not to send him back to battle but to bring him back to basics. If we become more consumed with our task than we are with our love for God, our lives will eventually become brittle and desolate. To restore our souls, the Lord brings us back to the essentials of our faith. Indeed, He might even stop our labors completely and direct us to the simpler realities of prayer, time in the Word, and worship. He reminds us that, of all He calls us to accomplish, His greatest commandment is to love Him with “all our heart" (Mark 12:30). Without this focus, we lose touch with God's presence; we are outside the shelter of the Most High.

The Lord brought Elijah to "Horeb, the mountain of God." In Hebrew, Horeb means "desolation." The barren environment mirrored Elijah's soul. Yet to God, Horeb was actually a place where the issues of a man's heart were flushed to the surface. There is no theater at Horeb, no acting. It is the place of unembellished honesty and core-to-surface transparency.

How Did You Get Here?
Perhaps Elijah's greatest virtue was his zeal. Indeed, twice in his communication with God, Elijah speaks of having been "very zealous" for the Lord. But zeal unattended by wisdom eventually becomes its own god. It compels us toward expectations that are unrealistic and outside the timing and anointing of God.

To remain balanced, zeal must be reined in and harnessed by strategic encounters with the living God. Otherwise we become frustrated with people and discouraged with delays. We step outside our place of strength and spiritual protection.

Elijah had come to Horeb and lodged there in a cave. Soon the Word of the Lord came to him: "What are you doing here, Elijah?" (v. 9). This is one of the most important questions God will ever ask us. His question probes the reality of our spiritual state: "How did your service to Me become dry and desolate?" God wants us to know that when we fail to esteem Him as our first love, we will always find a desert awaiting us.

Our primary purpose in life must be to abide in Christ. Otherwise we can become so consumed with the deteriorating condition of the world that we fail to see the deteriorating condition of our own soul. In His love, the Lord stops us and forces us to look honestly at our heart: Is this existence that I now live the abundant life promised me from Christ?

Let's speak candidly. We have nothing to prove and no need to pretend. We can abandon the internal mechanisms of defensiveness and pride. If we are disappointed, we are free to express it; if frustrated, we can admit it. We must simply and truthfully evaluate, without rationalization, our true spiritual condition.

Transparency is the outer garment of humility; and, humility draws the grace of God to our hearts. Is not intimacy with God the very thing we most neglect? And is not the Lord alone our source of strength in battle? If the enemy can distract us from our time alone with God, he will isolate us from the help that comes from God alone.

Let us approach the living God without any garment, but with transparency.

A Fresh Anointing
As the pressures of this age escalate, we will soon discover that yesterday's anointing will not suffice for today's battles. The Lord brought a new beginning to Elijah's life at Horeb---one that would ultimately release a "double portion" of power to Elijah's successor, Elisha. Under this new anointing, Jezebel would be destroyed, Baal worship abolished, and the only period of revival the northern tribes ever experienced would begin.

To reach a similar place of breakthrough, it will take more than the momentum of our own zeal. We should not be surprised if God calls us to pass through our own Horeb.

How will we recognize this place? Horeb is the voice of personal desolation; it is the desperate compelling of our heart to possess more of God. We must now listen carefully to the voice of God. For it is at Horeb that He brings us deeper into Himself. It is here, under the canopy of His compassion, that we discover the purpose of our brokenness: our desolation is in fact a time of preparation.

The Lord is about to bring a new beginning to you. When you return to the battle, you shall war from the shelter of the Most High.

Lord Jesus, apart from You, my life is dry and desolate. Forgive me for trying to do Your will without abiding in Your presence. I desperately need You, Lord. This day, I commit my heart to return to my first love. Teach me, Lord, to consider intimacy with You the greatest measure of my success. Let me see Your glory; reveal to me Your goodness. Guide me, Oh Holy Spirit, into the spiritual fortress of the presence of God. Amen.

---adapted from a chapter in Francis' book,
The Shelter of the Most High
published by Charisma House


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Your interest in duplicating and re-sending this material is a joy to us. We only ask that you also provide website information for the Ministries of Francis Frangipane. The only exception is if the article is actually an excerpt from a book by another publisher. In this case they have asked that they be listed as the reference. Finally, any questions about the teachings of Francis Frangipane can be sent to info@frangipane.org. God bless your pursuit of His heart.


Feb 19, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 50: From Babylon To Abraham

Unshakable Faith
Day 50: From Babylon To Abraham

1.  Like Abraham, are you willing to leave everything you have to seek the Lord's will in unknown places?

Yes, It is not an easy road to travel.  Trusting God and obeying Him when you are scared to death,  the road long and the future seems unclear.  I have learned over time, that no matter how scary it is to step out in faith, trusting God for His guidance and provisions...it is far scarier to try to do your own thing, outside of the will of God.

2. Are you walking in a manner worthy of your calling? Believing God, obeying Him?

I certainly try! And I believe with God's help, grace, forgiveness and love, I am able to continue living for Him, believing Him, and obeying Him.  When I fall or fail, He picks me up, dust me off, and sets my feet back on the right path.  Without God's hand on my life, I could never walk in a manner worthy of my calling, but Jesus paid the price and bridged the gap, so that I can walk each day with the assurance of my salvation!

3. Are you doing all things for the sake of His gospel and letting the love of Christ control you?

The love of God is amazing! When we allow Him to come fill us up with His love it sets us free. Free to love, free to give, free to receive.  A life filled with and controlled by God's love will do everything for the sake of the gospel! Because the gospel is what has made them secure enough to be who God created them to be.  It is the gospel of Jesus Christ that has made their life worth living.  Everything they do becomes a testimony of God's goodness, love and grace...Other's see God working in them and are attracted to it.  The testimony we live out everyday, is the most effective type of testimony!

Feb 18, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 49: The Covenant

Unshakable Faith
Day 49: The Covenant

1.Have you ever entered into a covenant that was one sided? How did it turn out?

Not that I can think of...The definition of a covenant is "an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified" -dictionary.com.  So having a one sided covenant doesn't really work to well.  I would imagine it would end with one person being controlled by the other, and not really a happy ending for either parties.

2. Are you living as a son or daughter of the Almighty God?

Yes, I am so thankful to be grafted into the family of God! What an honor it is to be the daughter of the most High King.  To have a personal, loving relationship with the creator of the universe.  WOW!

3. If you love Him enough to want to obey Him, do you believe that He will give you the provision so you can walk in obedience?

Yes! God is faithful. God is love. God is good. When you love Him and desire to obey Him, He promises to make the crooked paths straight, He will bring you out of the miry clay set your feet upon solid ground.  When we seek Him, we will find Him. When we knock, He will open the door.  We need to trust Him enough to be obedient even when our physical eyes can't see the way, He will light the path, giving us guidance for each day!

Feb 17, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 48: The Judgement

Unshakable Faith
Day 48: The Judgement

1. Because you have righteousness in your heart, do you understand that His patience is indeed His grace?

Yes, God's patience extends His grace to us, giving us time to repent and turn back to Him. If not for His patience and grace, we would all be hopeless and helpless.

2. Have you ever experienced the terrible disappointment of a church split or a failure that neutralized you?

No, I haven't ever had to go through anything like that.  

3. When you are confronted by situations where you know that destruction is coming, do you run into the Ark?

Yes, the only way to make it through the rough times is by running to Jesus, He will help us float over the waves instead of being pulled under by the current.

Feb 16, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 47: Noah And The Nephilim

Unshakable Faith
Day 47: Noah And The Nephilim

1. Have you learned to be comfortable in the presence of angels because there is a great deal of interchange between them and humankind, especially believers?

This is not something I think about on a daily basis, but scripture is clear that God has given His angels charge over us, this means they are assigned to protect and work on our behalf.  Also, scripture says that some people entertain angels with out knowing it.  The knowledge that they are there is in the back of my mind, but I have not really thought about it.  So I guess I am completely comfortable with it...it just seems normal to me.

2. The Scriptures are clear that some will not only do the works that Jesus did, but greater works. Do you think this is possible?

Yes, if Jesus said it, and He did! Then it is true.  We may have trouble comprehending it, or fully grasping it, but it doesn't change the truthfulness of it.

3. Christians who are born again by the Spirit of God are in fact a "super race." Are you a member of this "super race"?

Yes! When we accept Jesus as our personal savior His Spirit, the Holy Spirit comes and resides inside of us.  We are now enabled to do what was impossible before, not because of who we are but because of Christ working in and through us.  

Feb 15, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 46:Walking With God

Unshakable Faith
Day 46:Walking With God

1. Have you accepted your invitation to draw near to Him?

Yes, I so long to be close to my Heavenly Father...I hunger for more of His Word and His presence in my life...I spend hours studying, and getting to know Him...I also talk with Him and spend time just listening to Him as He speaks to me...I love the Lord more than anything...He is my everything!

2. Have you sacrificed all of the things that distract you from becoming closer to Him?

I have given up many things that were distractions to me, but I sense the Holy Spirit nudging me telling me that there are other things in my life, that distract me from spending time with Him, and growing in my relationship with Him.  You see, God already knows everything about each one of us.  He made us, and He knows our every thought and even the number of hairs on our heads.  We are the ones who need to learn more about Him, and to draw near to Him...If there is something in our lives that keeps us from doing what we need to, to get to know Him and spend time with Him, we need to sacrifice it, let it go, give it up, the trade off is always worth it.

3. "There is nothing that says we cannot walk with God to the point that He just takes us up like He did Enoch. Could this in fact be what the rapture really is?"

I would love to walk that closely with God! WOW!!  And I agree that there is not anything in God's Word that says it is not possible, if one man could do it, any of us could...but I believe that the rapture of the church is when Jesus returns for His Bride (the whole church,  all Christians)...Not just a few christian's who grow close enough to God that God takes them.  

Feb 14, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 45:Calling On The Lord

Unshakable Faith
Day 45:Calling On The Lord

1.The Lord knew the end from the beginning, and from the beginning He planned and prepared for our ultimate redemption and restoration from sin. Isn't this amazing?

One of the most humbling and awe inspiring things is sitting down and thinking about all God has made, all He has done to provide, and sustain humankind...His love for us is so great, He is so good.  Here is a song that tells it all so perfectly.

2. Have you been deceived by satan, but realize that the Lord is the author of all good things and repentance is the way back into His mercy?

Absolutely, we all at one time or another fall for a lie of satan, and no matter what the lie, or how great the sin seems to be, Jesus has paid the price, and all we need to do is repent of our sin, and run to God.

3. What are the true riches of the Kingdom?

True riches of the Kingdom are the truth and knowledge of God's ways.  God's ways are so much greater and higher than our ways, we will spend all eternity exploring the riches of His love and mercy!

Feb 13, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 44:Departing From The Lord

Unshakable Faith
Day 44:Departing From The Lord

1. Have there been times when you did not heed the Lord, and it resulted in your falling even further into sin?

I remember as a small child, I was jealous that my older sister who was already in school, got to take money to school to buy a new book from the book fair. I thought I should be able to go to school, and I thought I should be able to get a new book too.  So I came up with a plan, I stole my sister's money, and I hid it! I thought for sure she would miss out on the book fair and of course it would make everything better! But not only did my jealousy lead to stealing, I then had to lie about it, and next thing I know, my perfect plan didn't seem so perfect anymore.  My sister was in tears, and I hated to see anyone cry.  My mom was very upset, which also really bothered me.  And I felt this horrible sense of guilt.  The story ends with my telling the truth, crying a lot, and getting in big trouble! 

See even as little kids we have a God given gift called a conscience.  I may have only been 4 years old, but I knew my actions were wrong and I chose to do them anyway.  And those choices led to feelings of guilt, especially knowing that my actions didn't make Jesus happy, . As adults we tend to act the same way.  You would think we would grow up a little and realize that it's not a good idea.  But alas, we fail over and over again.  When we do make mistakes the best thing we can do is, repent and start making good choices...do not let one bad choice cause you to make many many more bad choices to try to cover it up.  This strategy never works, two bad choices never make a good! 

2. Have you ever felt "out from the presence of the Lord"?

There have been times when I knew I was not as close to the Lord as I should have been, but I have never felt as if I was completely out of His presence...He has always been faithful to continually stay by me and guide me, even when I was not being perfectly obedient.

3. Why does it seem so much easier to blame someone else and attack them instead of dealing with your own problems?

Our sinful nature causes us to be prideful, we love to see other's faults, and hate to see our own, so we do everything in our power to avoid it...blaming others is the easiest way.  If we were righteous like God, as we were created to be, we wouldn't fall into the blame game as often.  But since the fall of man, sin has caused a separation of man from God, and we tend to be evil, and more like satan than like Jesus.  This is why we must spend time studying God's Word and spend time in God's presence everyday, it is the only way we will become more like Jesus! 

Feb 12, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 43:A Curse From The Ground

Unshakable Faith
Day 43:A Curse From The Ground

1. "The very earth itself curses man today in many regions because of the innocent blood that has been shed upon it." What regions come to mind when you read this statement?

Hmmm, well there are many different regions in the world today who are suffering famines, earthquakes, tsunamis etc.  But one of the ones that stand out most in my mind, is right here in America.  This nation was founded on God's Word, the laws and constitution was made to uphold a standard of living while giving people freedom, justice and the pursuit of happiness.  But the sinful choices made and even made lawful over the years have taken their toll.  We cannot remove prayer, the Word of God and all moral values from our homes and Schools and expect God's blessings to continue to fall.  We cannot allow innocent babies to be murdered by the thousands each year and not pay the consequences...America is dealing with huge issues today, and the only hope we have is to repent of our sins and bring God back into our everyday day lives, not just on Easter and Christmas, even every Sunday is not enough...We need to be in His Word, spending time in His presence each and every day. 

2. Are there generational curses affecting your life or the life of your family that need repentance and restoration?

There are things passed down from generation to generation that we must repent of, and remove from our lives.  I believe everyone has things in their lives that they naturally tend to do, because of a generational curse.  I have dealt with fear all my life...and so has just about all of my sister's and there are five of us.  Do you think that is a coincidence? I don't think it is...somewhere up the line sin caused this generational curse to enter all of our lives.  I have spent much time praying, repenting of being fearful, quoting scriptures and claiming God's promises, and when fear tries to come in, it is met with the full armor of God and doesn't stick around for long...My children will not deal with this generational curse, it stops with me!

3. Repentance can be the beginning of the release of God's grace and favor in your life.

Repentance is key! Only when we ask God for forgiveness and then turn from our sin, will we see God's favor and blessings in our lives.

Feb 11, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 42:Jealousy And Murder

Unshakable Faith
Day 42:Jealousy And Murder

1. Have you had bouts of jealousy?

Yes, there have been times when I've found myself feeling jealous of another person.  It always seems to stem from an area of insecurity I have, that someone else seems to excel in. Whenever I find myself feeling this type of emotion, I pray and ask God to forgive me, and I ask Him to help me see things from His perspective.  We all have areas we excel in and we all have areas that need some work...God loves us just as we are, it is not a competition...there is no need to allow jealousy to cause division because of our own insecurities...We just need to be who God created us to be!

2. Do you agree that it was "inevitable for man to become a murderer"?

Man was made in God's image, we were meant to be just like God.  When Adam chose to disobey God, and listen to and obey the devil, man no longer naturally is like God, but naturally is like the devil.  The devil is the father of lies, and is a murderer, so yeah, once sin entered the picture, it was just a matter of time. 

3. Will you be standing among those in the Church who are standing together in unity because they love one another?

Yes, I know how easy it is to allow small simple things to divide us, and I pray daily that God would help me to see sin for what it is and help me to not allow it in my life.  I want to grow daily to be more like Jesus, and I want His love to fill my heart and life, flowing out to touch the lives of those around me.  

Feb 10, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 41: Sin and Depression

Unshakable Faith
Day 41: Sin and Depression

1. Have you suffered from depression?

No, I've never had to deal with depression, though I've had family members and friends who have dealt with it at times.

2. To be delivered from depression is not by having someone accept you the way you are, but by someone loving you enough to correct you so you can do what is right.

Loving someone enough to take a stand and tell them the truth even if it is not what they want to hear is one of the greatest ways you can love someone...Just remember to always speak the truth in love, if it is not said in and with love, it will do more harm than good.

3. Do you know of someone, or the family of someone who committed suicide?

I have heard many stories but I don't know anyone personally who has committed suicide.  It breaks my heart every time I hear about someone who thought the only way to make things better was to end it all...If they only knew that they could turn to Jesus and that God would help them work through the troubles and issues, if they only had the hope that comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus, it would have made a huge difference in their life and the lives of their loved ones.  If you are dealing with suicidal thoughts, please tell a loved one, a pastor or a counselor, get into the Word of God, talk to God, tell Him your doubts, your hurts, your troubles, ask God for guidance, healing and provision...start working on making good choices and decisions...There is hope, and it is found in Jesus!!

Feb 9, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 40: The Offering

Unshakable Faith
Day 40: The Offering

1. Are you giving to God from your own works or through the blood of Jesus?

No matter how hard we work, nothing we could ever come up with on our own would ever be a good enough gift for The King of Kings...It is easy to get into the mind set of trying to fix things and make things right before turning it over to God, but this never works.  We must come to Him just as we are, and let Him do the work for us.  When Jesus went willingly to the cross, and His innocent blood was shed for us, the price was paid.  It is only through His blood that we can dare to stand in the presence of a most holy God. 

2. The true root of almost every division within the Church is jealousy. Have you seen this happen?

Yes, I have seen jealousy cause great divisions, even close friends turn on each other when jealousy takes root.  We all need to be careful, to recognize jealousy for what it is...and ask God to work on us, to help us to find our worth in Him, not in how we see ourselves compared to others.  We can not go through life trying to be exactly like other people...we need to get to the place where we know who we are in Christ, and we live our lives to please Him, not to compete with someone else.

3. Do you trust in the cross for the ultimate victory?

Most definitely YES! I know myself well enough to know that without the cross, I would be a complete mess.  There is no way I could ever succeed without the work of the cross in my life.  Victory will only come through Jesus!!

Feb 8, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 39: The Exile

Unshakable Faith
Day 39: The Exile

1. Would you agree that "Man now dwells in a place of continual strife"?

Oh my goodness, yes! It seems that "Man" can't get through one day without some kind of strife.  We all work hard to try to accomplish our goals and make our dreams a reality, but there is constantly something coming up that is a source of strife. Sickness, financial issues, relational issues, and even natural disasters...when the droughts or floods, or earthquakes happen it causes strife in whole communities, and even whole countries.  
Strife is a daily part of life, only when we are walking daily with God, and being obedient to His Word, can all the blessings and favor of God be poured out on our lives...that doesn't mean it becomes a walk in the park...there is still strife, but God provides every need, and protects you and brings you through every storm.

2. Are you more task-oriented or people oriented?

I am definitely a mix...but I think a little more people-oriented than task-oriented.  I love spending time with people, having time to sit and chat or visit, or get a group together to play games and just hangout, is my idea of a fun time.  I love going to large events with lots of people, seeing old friends and catching up.  But I also, am a detail-oriented, task-oriented person...I love making lists and marking things off...When I make a list and by the end of the day am able to mark of most of it, it thrills me! I love coming up with ideas, and figuring out just how it should go, and putting it all together.  But then again, most of my ideas, tend to be about helping people, getting people together, etc.  So yeah, my love for people comes through even in my all my task and list making!

3. Is your church more task-oriented or people-oriented?

Hmmm, this is a close call...I think it definitely has both qualities...but I'm leaning towards people-oriented.  Our church is a great place.  I love the people, we have great Pastor's and leaders, and the heart for missions and reaching out to people is huge!  We not only have the normal children's, youth, and adult ministries...but we have a storehouse that gives food out to hundreds of families each month, we have a ministry that provides sleeping bags, coats, clothes, and other necessities to the homeless camp in our city, and just this last year we gave over $100,000.00 to missions.  The Love for people is the propeller of all of the tasks we do.  And I am so excited to see what God is doing through this church!

Feb 7, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 38: The Covering

Unshakable Faith
Day 38: The Covering

1. Had you before considered that when the Lord made a covering for Adam and Eve by shedding the blood of an innocent animal, that it was a prophecy of the atonement that Jesus would make by shedding His blood for our sins?

I have read that portion of scripture multiple times, but I never made the connection...what a beautiful way for the Lord to show us His plans and provisions generations before it was to come.  This is a great reminder to me, that God is in control, and He is working in every situation to bring us all to the place of close communion and fellowship with Himself, He loves us enough to go the distance and do the hard work on our behalf, because He wants to be with us for eternity...What a wonder God's Love is!!

2. Have you ever refused to go to the cross and tried to carry the guilt of sin yourself? If so, you are saying that the cross was not enough.

Accepting the gift of forgiveness and salvation through the cross of Jesus, at times can seem almost to easy.  The office supply store known as Staples, has the red "easy button" in all their commercials, in fact you can buy little toy "easy buttons" to put on your desk as paper weights.  But the idea is that when some task seems like too much, or you don't have the time, you just hit the "easy button" and the task is done for you.  Many times in life we think it would be nice to have a real "easy button", but we don't realize that Jesus has given us the best "easy button" ever...all we have to do is call on the name of Jesus...He is enough, He will cleanse us, restore us, heal us, provide for us, and protect us.  I encourage you to accept the gift He has given to you...and stop struggling and trying to do it on your own...We can never do enough, all our good will never out weigh all our bad...We need Jesus!

3. You can have confidence to enter into the very presence of the Lord, not because of anything you can do, but because of the blood of Jesus.

It is only through the blood of Jesus that we find restoration, and redemption...Allow Jesus to cleanse your heart of sin, you will never be the same, those burdens that weigh you down, the cares and worries, the sickness and pain, give it all to Jesus, and let Him make you whole today!

Feb 6, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 37: The Curse On Man

Unshakable Faith
Day 37: The Curse On Man

1. Why was the harmony, communication, and fellowship with the Creator profoundly damaged by sin?

God created everything to work together in harmony, but when Adam chose to disobey God even though he knew it was wrong, it brought about this curse that we all live under...If Adam had made the choice to obey God, even though his wife had been deceived, the harmony, communication and fellowship with the Creator would not have been as severely damaged, it might not have been damaged at all.  I think the same is true for us today; when we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are made new.  But when we continue to make choices that are wrong, it affects the blessings of God being poured into our lives.  God has great plans for us and blessings He wants to give to us, but we have to be obedient to His Word in order to receive them.  It is so important for us to do our best to obey, serve, and honor the Lord in all we do.  

2. In everything you do, are you looking for the redemptive purposes of God and the restoration of all that was lost through the fall?

I can't say that I look for God's redemption in everything I do, but in most things, yeah!  I am learning to look for God's hand at work even when we can't understand why something is happening.  I've come to realize that maybe we see something as bad, or undesirable, but God in His infinite wisdom uses even those situations to work out His good and perfect will in our lives...Sometimes it is not clear to us what God is doing, but that is where faith comes in...we need to learn to trust Him, even if we don't fully understand. Trust me, it is not easy to do, but I am learning that it really is the best thing to do!

3. Have you overcome your natural resistance of authority with the true spiritual authority that is rooted and grounded in love?

Not completely! I have come to realize that when I get upset about something someone in authority is requesting of me, many times, I would have willing done that very thing on my own, it was just the idea of them telling me to do it, that caused me to not want to do it.  Which is absolutely silly! I have had the Holy Spirit nudge me, and all the sudden I realize what a child I am being, my attitude is all wrong and all because someone asked me to do something, I was already going to do!?!  So I have been working on making myself stop, pray, ask for God to help me adjust my attitude and then I make myself go on and do the task with a good attitude.  I tend to think of the song by Steve Curtis Chapman -  Do Everything - "Do everything you do to the glory of the one who made you, cause He made you!" 

Feb 5, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 36: The Curse On The Woman

Unshakable Faith
Day 36: The Curse On The Woman

1. What do you think about the "women's lib" movement?

I think there were some valid reasons for the women's liberation movement, but I believe it has been taken too far.  Women weren't made to be treated as lesser people, but they also have a God given position that is subjected and submitted to their husbands.  This doesn't mean all women are to submit to all men, just that a wife should follow her husbands leading as the head of the house.  Today many women try to take the leading role, they feel like they shouldn't have to submit to anyone.  This kind of attitude come directly from listening to the lies satan feeds us.  We need to realize that there is a reason for the way God set things up...men need to step us and start leading their families, in a loving and compassionate way, just as Christ loves the church...that means laying down their lives for their wife and children! And women, we need to honor and respect our husbands, encourage them and be the best helpmate we can be.  When our husbands lead in the way God designed, and we submit to their leadership, our marriages will be the best relationship possible between two people.

2. Do you believe that men and women have equal but different authority in a marriage?

I believe that God made men and women equally, but designated the man as the leader, to be a covering of protection, over the family.  When men fulfill there God given role and women fulfill their God given role, the two work hand in hand...it creates a wonderful -he takes care of her and she takes care of him - relationship, where everyone's needs are met and everyone puts the other before themselves.  It becomes a harmonious beautiful relationship!

3. Does your family truly reflect the relationship between Christ and His Church?

I can't say that we have it perfectly worked out...It is in our fleshly human nature to want to go against the way God designed it.  But my husband and I both recognize this, and work to stay in the roles God designed for us.  There are times when we make mistakes, get selfish, or step out of bounds  and God helps us through them.  But there are also times when JC leads and loves as he should, and I submit and love him as I should, and it is those times that are the best times of our lives.  Those are the times that we can work together in harmony, and truly be one!!

Feb 4, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 35: The Curse On The Serpent

Unshakable Faith
Day 35: The Curse On The Serpent

1. Have you been feeding and strengthening satan's domain in your life because you have fallen into carnality?

No, I find it important in my life to be careful of what I watch, listen to, read, etc.  I've found that just cutting out certain types of movies and t.v. shows, etc greatly improves my ability to stay on a steady course in my walk with God.  When something I watch, listen to, or read is completely contrary to the life Jesus led and calls us to live, it is not helpful to me, if anything it is a hindrance to me as I daily learn to walk by the spirit and not by my fleshly desires.

2. Is your spirit growing stronger by fellowship, sharing the gospel and exercising the spiritual gifts that you have been given?

Yes, I work daily to feed my spirit through Bible study, prayer, praise and worship music, etc.  As well as spending time with other believers, who are encouragers, accountability partners, prayer partners and all around great friends.

3. Are you pursuing the course of love in all you do?
If yes, you will grown in the nature of the Lord, because God is love.

Yes, I want God's love to fill up my life and flow out to touch the lives of those around me.

Feb 3, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 34: The Fall Deepens

Unshakable Faith
Day 34: The Fall Deepens

1.  Have you been known to slip into self-centeredness?

It is in the human nature to be self-centered...the scriptures say that there is nothing we face that is not common to all man...so if one person deals with self-centeredness, we all deal with it at one point or another.  The important thing is realizing our natural tendencies towards being self-centered, and to continually ask God to help us to love others and to put others before ourselves.

2. Have you been know to hide you sins?

We all want to look good to other people, we all have a certain amount of pride that makes us want to cover up or hide our faults from other people.  But we all have to come to the place where we realize that all the hidden sin in our lives is hindering us from living the abundantly blessed life God has planned for us.  No matter who you are, where you've been, or what you've done...it is always better to acknowledge your mistakes, take responsibility for your actions and to be completely honest about them.

3. Have you been known to shift the blame?

I remember as a kid getting in arguments with my sister. It was just about always over something insignificant, but we always made a huge deal out of it.  And before the issue was settled, we would always try to blame each other, "She started it!" or "She hit me first" or the classic "she touched me!" I think all children have times when they cast blame on someone else, and we might think we as adults have out grown this childish game of blame.  But the reality, is that we all are guilty of playing this game everyday.  We might disguise it as some mature adult way of thinking, but really it is the same as what we did as kids.  We need to realize that trying to blame others, the environment, our school systems, or the government, etc. for our problems only makes our problems worse.  The only thing that will make our problems better, is for us to realize that we can not control everything else, but we have the ability to control ourselves, and if something needs changed we should start with changing ourselves! 

Feb 2, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 33: The Voices

Unshakable Faith
Day 33: The Voices

1. Have you countered satan's tactics by developing your own ability to hear the Lord, understanding what He is saying, and obeying His voice?

Yes! It is so important for us not only to be able to hear His voice, but to distinguish the difference between His voice and the voices of those whose only goal is to lead us away from Him.  One way to develop your ability to hear Him and know His voice, is by spending time in His Word, in His presence and with other mature believers who can help lead and guide and teach you.

2. Can you quickly and easily distinguish His voice from all of the other voices in the world?

Yes, over the years, I have come to know God's voice and to cherish the words God speaks to me.  It is such an amazing experience to have a close personal loving relationship with the King of all Kings!  I am so thankful that He loves me and wants to spend time with me, not only that but He provides for me, and protects me...I am awed by the care and love He gives everyday!

3. Have you ever attended or are you attending a "dead" church?

Thankfully, I can answer this question with a resounding, "No!" I have been blessed to be a part of some wonderful churches...churches that are very much alive and living empowered lives through the inner-working of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and lives of not just the Pastors, but in the hearts and lives of the congregation as well.

Feb 1, 2012

Unshakable Faith - Day 32: Fear

Unshakable Faith
Day 32: Fear

1.  Have you experienced unholy fear of God that leads to further corruption of the soul, which caused you to run from Him instead of to Him?

No, I have always known since I was a young child that God is the one and only person I could always run to and depend on fully.  My parents taught us from a young age to love and trust our heavenly Father.  

2. Are you vulnerable enough to take the first step toward redemption and restoration?

Yes and no! It really depends on the situation.  If we are talking about me making a mistake and needing restoration with God, then Yes! I quickly admit my mistake and ask for His forgiveness.  But when it comes to relationships with other people, it is a lot harder for me to admit that I am not perfect! I want others to see me at my best, and I go to great lengths to make sure my best foot is forward.  I have trouble taking off the masks, being real and letting people see me when I'm down.  

3. How hard is it for you to accept that God's grace is extended to even the most grotesque murderers and transgressors?

Grace is not something we can earn, it is not something that is based on our merit or good works.  Websters dictionary defines it as "unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification" Since grace is unmerited, none of us are worthy of it, so none of us have the right to say someone else is more unworthy of it.  That is the beauty of grace!