Chapter 7: The Rewards of Serving Jesus
Questions to Ponder
1. Was there a special recognition you received growing up? How did it make you feel?
As a young girl I dealt with a speech impediment. I remember going to my special speech class each day trying my best to make my mouth and tongue work together to form the sounds and words like the therapist did. I would watch her move her mouth and tongue and then I would try to copy it, looking in the little mirror. It took hours and days even weeks sometimes to get the sounds to come out as they should. Once I learned a new letter sound I would receive a certificate and a small prize out of the prize box. But the biggest reward was getting to go around to everyone and say those sounds, knowing I had accomplished something great!
2. According to this chapter, what are some of the rewards of serving Jesus?
As we go through life we may find times when we can't clearly see any rewards for serving Jesus. But here's the deal...God knows our hearts, He knows our thoughts, and He knows everything about us. And He loves us. So when we choose to serve Him, He rewards us, it may be through a simple reminder that you are His child and that He loves you, or it could be through the promise that you are His and He looks at you as His precious possession, a jewel to be treasured, and the greatest reward of all...He has promise to return one day to take you to the mansion in heaven that He has built just for you.
3. If you were to give a testimony about God's faithfulness in your life, what one thing could you praise the Lord for?
As I look over my life, I see how the Lord has been faithful to lead and guide me, to protect me, and to love me no matter what. Here is a song that expresses how God loves me for me, not for what I have done or who I'll become. I can't even imagine asking for more than that!
4. What is the something that you are asking and believing God for today?
I know that God is faithful and I believe He has great plans for all of us, but sometimes we don't see how a situation could turn out good. All we can see with our earthly eyes looks bad. I am believing that God will some how, in some way, take the things that Satan has meant for harm and turn them into something great.