Chapter 5: The Refining Fire of God
Questions to Ponder:
1. Where did you first commit to be a follower of Jesus Christ?
I was in the daisy's class at a church in northern California, around the age of 4.
2. What was one noticeable change in your life after accepting Christ?
As a little child, I was really shy and quite fearful, I remember figuring out very quickly that when those fears would come and try to keep me awake at night, I could call on the Jesus, and just saying His name brought peace. Many nights I would fall asleep just saying or singing "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus"
3. What is the significance to silver and gold in this section of scripture?
I love the few points that Pastor Bill pointed out in this chapter see pages 89 & 90...
"After the dross is removed, He turns the heat down. Then He begins to mold and form you. Then, He polishes you until He sees the reflection of His own glory.
Silver is a beautiful metal, and it is also extremely useful. It has long been used in the making of fine jewelry. Because of it's electron configuration, all visible light is reflected in its surface. This attribute makes silver the metal of choice for mirrors and photo processing. Silver also has the highest electrical conductivity of all metals and it is used extensively in batteries.
It is not coincidental that God compares His people to silver. Silver is not only beautiful, it is useful. God's people - in their purest form and highest function - reflect God's glory and conduct His power and grace."
I cannot say it any better than that!
4. What do you feel is God's main goal in refining you?
God's main purpose and goal is that all of us would reflect His perfect love and glory to those around us. When others look at me, I want them to see Jesus!
5. What is God working on in your life right now?
Patience, and integrity...Our Pastor has preached on integrity the last couple of weeks, and God has really been working on me to be a person of integrity, not just when others are watching, but at all times. When I'm driving down the road and see a cop, there should be no reason to quickly hit the brakes...I should be a law abiding, honest person even when the cop is not sitting there clocking my speed. Also, He is teaching me that it is always better to give the truth in love than to outwardly say one thing and think something completely opposite... most of the time people can tell whether you are being honest about your feeling, and telling them what you think they want to hear only makes them feel like they can't trust you. It's not always easy, but it is always the right thing to do!