Chapter 8: Living Today in Light of Tomorrow
Questions To Ponder
1. What is one of the most memorable trips you have ever taken?
The most memorable trip for me was a trip I took as a teenager, over to Slovakia on a missions trip. I saw God move in the hearts and lives of people whose aim was to hurt the local church...a church that had a very small congregation of maybe 15 or 20 people including the children grew to standing room only with people outside straining to hear through the windows. There was a gang who caused lots of trouble in that city, and the leader of the gang came to know Christ along with a couple other gang members...Satan fought us every step of the way, But with God all things are possible and so we had to take scripture and claim it and quote it, memorize it, pray it, and most of all believe the promises therein. I learned a lot about spiritual warfare, and I will never forget watching God work in a situation that looked impossible.
2. What are the three prophetic announcements in Malachi chapter 4?
- The Day of Judgment
- The Day of Restoration
- The Rapture of the Church
3. In your opinion, what recent events point to Christ's return?
There are so many...wars and rumors of wars, false prophets and teachers, the culture of today to live for yourself, and the belief that everyone should be entitled to choose what is okay for defined morals or absolute truths, the list goes on...earthquakes, tsunamis, famines; and just about all of the prophesies that must happen before the return of Christ for His Bride, have been fulfilled.
4. What impact should the return of Jesus Christ have on a person's life?
Well, I'd say it should make us thankful and give us hope...if we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, then it only brings joy to our hearts when we think about Him returning. But for those who do not know Jesus, and have not found the hope He offers through the gift of Salvation, for them I would imagine it is scary to think about, and I would hope it might cause them to stop and think about their life and maybe realize that it is time to make things right with God.
If you are at that point in your life and you want to make things right with God please click Here for more information.