Psalm 91: God's Umbrella of Protection
Chapter 9: I Will Not Fear The Destruction
You will not be afraid of...the destruction that lays waste at noon.
Psalm 91:5-6b
God has given us all of these promises because it is His desire to protect and provide for us. I love the fact that long before we ever have a need, He already has the provision ready, we just need to accept it and believe it. Sometimes we get overwhelmed with the circumstances around us, and find it hard to believe that the very thing we are seeing with our natural eye can be changed in moment. This is when is it important to have faith, faith is not a feeling, it is choice! You either choose to believe the things you see with your natural eyes, or you choose to have faith and believe in God and the promises He has given us. Peggy Joyce Ruth made a good point so I just have to quote her here..."Faith is not a tool to manipulate God into giving you something you want. Faith is simply the means by which we accept what God has already made available. Our goal needs to be the renewal of our minds, to such an extent that we have more faith in God's Word than in what we see. God does not make promises that are out of reach." Wow, I don't think it could be said any better than that!
Thank you Lord, for giving us your Word, and for making provision for us long before we ever need it. You are so amazing and Your love is never ending. We are so unworthy of Your love, and grace, and every promise You have given us. But we are thankful that You love us no matter what we say or do, and that all You ask of us, is for us to come to You, just as we are, and to trust You. So today, we choose to put our trust, our faith, and hope in You. You are everything we will ever need and so much more! We love You and Thank You!! God, You are so Good!! Amen