Oct 27, 2011

Psalm 91- Chapter 8: I Will Not Be Afraid of the Pestilence

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella of Protection
Chapter 8: I Will Not Be Afraid of the Pestilence

You will not be afraid...Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness. 
Psalm 91:5-6a

Webster's Dictionary defines Pestilence as a contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating;"  I think all of us deal with some form of pestilence in our life--if not in our own body, in that of a loved one.

In today's world there are so many different forms of pestilence... Cancer, Heart disease, Flu viruses, HIV/AIDS, the list could go on and on...when we think about dealing with these horrible illnesses and the effects they have on so many lives it is easy to start worrying about the what if's.  But God, knowing that all of these diseases and illnesses would be rampant, gave us a promise, that we will all benefit from it, if we just have the faith to believe it.  God wants to take care of us, and God wants to work in our lives and the lives of those around us.  This promise is for you and every believer.  God does not want you to fear the disease, He wants you to trust Him and then He will take care of the situation, making the best of it for everyone involved.  

I have some dear friends whose 2 year old little boy was diagnosed with Leukemia this last summer.  Now, it would have been very easy for them to get angry at God for allowing this thing to happen...but I am happy to say they chose to put their faith in Jesus. And God in His great love and mercy has made every treatment and every situation work out better than the doctors expected. It took less than 30 days of treatment for the doctors to declare Lincoln cancer free, and even though the road is long and the treatments aren't over yet...God has had His hand on their lives and has brought about great miracles- because of their faith and trust in Him.  

What ever your situation, whatever the diagnosis is...Trust God!