Chapter 6: I Will Not Fear The Terror
"You will not be afraid of the terror by night..."
Psalm 91:5a
Here are a few quotes from this chapter to highlight the things that stood out to me from this chapter.
- "Long before man discovered biological weapons, God made provision for the protection of His people - if they believe His Word." - Wow, this just shows how great God is, He knew we would one day face these horrible biological wars, and He made provision for us, so we can have protection from them, way back thousands of years before the threat even existed. That just makes me want to jump with excitement!!
- "No evil has been conceived by man against which God has not provided a promise of protection for any of His children who will choose to believe it and act on it." - Once again, GOD IS SO GOOD!!!
- "We have to choose to believe God's Word more than we believe what we see." - This one is something we all need to really get...whether or not we receive God's protection is a choice we make...Are we willing to believe and have faith??
- "Over and over Jesus tells us, 'Do not fear!' Why do you think He continually reminds us not to be afraid? Because it is through faith in His Word that we are protected-and since fear is the opposite of faith, the Lord knows fear will keep us from operating in the faith that is necessary to receive." - God knows how fearful we tend to be...just like sheep we get scared and run so easily! But God our great Shepherd, knows His sheep, and that is why He tells us and warns us not to fear!
- "The Protection is already there. It has already been provided, whether we receive it or not." - Once again, receiving God's protection is a choice!!
Today, I encourage you to look at your life and see the areas where you are fearful, or have anxiety. Those are the areas that Jesus is calling to you to trust Him, and put your faith in Him; He will provide and protect you. My prayer today is that we would choose faith over fear, choose God's protection over trying to do it on our own. The best way to start building your faith is to get to know the God you are trying to trust. It is terribly hard to trust someone whom you really don't know. Get a bible sit down and read it, asking God to show you who He is. Trust me! You will be blown away with what He shows you!