Psalm 91: God's Umbrella Of Protection
Chapter 13: The Enemy Under My Feet
You will tread upon the lion and cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you will trample down.
Psalm 91:13
Let's stop and think for a minute...
What are the challenges, the problems, the catastrophic events facing you right now?
Do you have a major illness in your body or in a close loved one?
Do you have financial troubles?
Do you have relationship problems with another believer?
Have you found yourself fearing something unknown, something that may or may not ever happen?
Whatever the struggle; whatever the issue or problem; we have been given the ability to be victorious. That doesn't mean that we have the right to trample on other people...What it means is that we have the power, through Christ, to walk through a situation and come out better than before the situation occurred.
I think of Job...God allowed Satan to bring disaster on Job's life. He lost all of his livelihood, all of his servants, and all of his children in one day. Then on top of that, he himself was afflicted with boils and sores on every inch of his body...His own wife told him to curse God and die...His closest friends blamed him and accused him of being a horribly unrighteous man. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong in a matter of 24 hrs. But Job said, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him!". Job did not understand why these things happened, but He continued to trust God. In the end God restored all Job had lost and blessed him with more than he had before.
This is a picture of walking victoriously...When we trust God no matter what, the very struggles and hard things we face will be used to bring Christlike traits out in us, and we will find God's blessing in our lives beyond our imaginations. It doesn't mean the hard times won't come...but it does mean that even in the midst of those times, we can know that God is in control, God still sits on the throne, God still holds us in the palm of His mighty hands, and God has already given us the power and ability to walk through the flames and not be burned, to walk through the raging sea and not drowned, for God is with us!! Today take those issues, problems, burdens, mountain sized troubles, and hand them over to God...When you give it to God, and trust him to bring you through, you will not be defeated, you will walk victoriously!