Nov 16, 2011

Psalm 91 - Chapter 12: Angels Watching Over Me

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella Of Protection
Chapter 12: Angels Watching Over Me

For He will give His angels charge concerning you,
To guard you in all your ways.
They will bear you up in their hands,
That you do not strike your foot against a stone.
Psalm 91:11-12

I have told the story many times, but I'm not sure if I've shared it on this blog before, so I'd like to share a story of how God sent His angels not only for my protection, but also let me get a glimpse, so that it brought peace to my troubled mind.  

To tell the story properly I have to give a little history...all my life I have dealt with bad dreams...terrible nightmares.  Being raised in a christian home I learned at a young age that there was power in prayer, and that we could know and trust God to protect us, I've heard countless stories of times when God caused someone to change their plans only to find out later that if they had continued with their original plans they would have been involved in a major catastrophe. Or of times when someone came to a family members rescue, only to disappear without any one seeing where they went.  

So when as a young married person I found myself alone overnight for the first time, and all the thoughts of horrible things that could happen started to come in to try to cause fear, I decided the only way I was going to get any sleep, was to proclaim God's Word, and then specifically ask God to place Angels around the house...I asked Him to place one at every door, at every window, one at my bedroom door and then one at each corner of my bed.  I figured I was alone and scared, I could not have too much protection.  So I grabbed my bible read some scriptures, and laid my bible and the phone right next to the bed in case I needed it.  

I was able to go to sleep without much trouble but then the dream started.  I had one of the most terrible evil dreams ever...I don't really remember all the details, but it was dark, demonic and just evil...I remember sitting straight up in bed, as soon as my eyes were open, and I was trembling, and sweating profusely.  All I could do was call on Jesus, and that is when God opened my eyes, and I could see the sword of an angel standing at my bedroom door...I didn't see the angel itself, but I saw the most incredible, intricate and beautiful sword I've ever seen.  It was gold, and silver and had beautiful stones and gems of all different colors laid in it, and it looked to be on fire.  But not only was this sword beautiful it was gigantic...seriously, the top of the handle was up in the ceiling and the tip of it touched the floor. The cross part where the handle and the blade meet (not sure what that's called) but it was as wide as the door frame. I remember sitting in my bed staring at this beautiful sword, and feeling God's peace flood the room. 

Now you need to know that I have terrible vision, and I cannot see the details of anything more than a foot away from me without my glasses, but here I was without any glasses or contacts, sitting across the room and could see it in perfect blurring, no double outline, my vision was perfect.  As I sat there I did a double take,I looked around the room and then back to the door, and I watched the sword slowly fade, and the room was dark again.  As I'm writing this, I realize something I never fully grasped before...the room was dark before, the room was dark after, but I could see clearly everything while the sword was visible...It acted like a made the room as if it were broad day light...Amazing, I don't know how I missed that before! 

Anyway, it was clear to me that not only had God heard my prayer, He did just as I asked and put the angels in their places around the house.   I had always seen angels in my minds eye, as human looking, you know in shape and size.  But no more, not after seeing that sword!  I can tell you the angel holding that sword had to be at least 10-12 feet tall if not taller...The sword itself was at least 8-9 feet tall. Are you getting the picture? This was no small angel and no small amount of protection.  This promise of having God's angels protect and watch over us, is so amazing and just shows how much God really cares for us.  He didn't send out a weak small little angel to protect me, no He sent a Goliath sized, strong and powerful angel...God goes above and beyond to protect and provide for us.  I am so thankful for that...He never gives us just enough, but always over and abundantly more than we ask or even imagine.