Nov 30, 2011

Psalm 91 - Chapter 16: I Am Seated with Christ Jesus

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella Of Protection
Chapter 16: I Am Seated with Christ Jesus

"Because He has loved Me...I will set him securely on high, 
because he has known My name."
Psalm 91:14

 This verse talks about us being set securely on high for two reasons 1) because we love Him and 2) because we know His name.  I love looking at all the names of is so powerful just to see all the promises we have based on who He is. So let's take a quick look at some of God's names. (I know I've posted this list before, but it is worth re-posting!)

EL SHADDAI: God Almighty, or God all Sufficient
ADONAI: Lord, or Master
JEHOVAH: LORD - Yahweh: God's covenant name
JEHOVAH-JIREH: The Lord will Provide.
JEHOVAH-ROPHE: The Lord Who Heals
JEHOVAH-NISSI: The Lord Our Banner.
JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH: The Lord Who Sanctifies
JEHOVAH-SHALOM: The Lord Our Peace
JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU: The Lord Our Righteousness
JEHOVAH-ROHI: The Lord Our Shepherd
JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH: The Lord is There
JEHOVAH-SABAOTH: The Lord of Hosts
EL ELYON: Most High
ABIR: Mighty One
KADOSH: Holy One
EL ROI: God of Seeing
KANNA: Jealous (zealous)
PALET: Deliverer
YESHUA: Savior
GAOL: Redeemer
MAGEN: Shield
TSADDIQ: Righteous One
EL-OLAM: Everlasting God
EL-BERITH: God of the Covenant
EL-GIBHOR: Mighty God
TSUR: God our Rock

All of these names describe an attribute of God...all of these names give us a promise of who God is and how God works.  I am so thankful that God is our healer, provider, and strength, our rock, our shepherd, and shield, our deliverer, our peace, our savior and so much more...God is so Good!

Nov 26, 2011

Psalm 91 - Chapter 15: God Is My Deliverer

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella of Protection
Chapter 15: God Is My Deliverer

"Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him..."
Psalm 91:14a

What do you need deliverance from today?  Are you trusting God in your circumstance?  Are you telling God how big the issue is or are you telling the issue how big your God is?  

Whenever we find ourselves dealing with things that seem too big, to horrible, just too much for us to handle on our own; that is when God is walking with us asking us to cast our care on Him. He is waiting for us to fully hand the situation over to Him and let Him have complete control...and then He will follow through with this promise.  God is faithful to bring us out of the valley of shadow of death, He is strong enough to not only handle our huge problems, but to carry us through them.  Scott Krippayne sings a song that talks of God's deliverance from the storms in you listen to this beautiful song, let your faith arise, put your hope and trust in God...Remember that "Sometime He calms the storm, and other times He calms His child"! 

Nov 23, 2011

Psalm 91 - Chapter 14: Because I Love Him

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella Of Protection
Chapter 14: Because I Love Him

"Because he has loved Me, therefore I will..."
Psalm 91:14a

This chapter is the beginning of a set of seven promises God has given to those who love Him.  Not just anyone can claim these ask yourself, "Do I love Him?"  If you love God you will follow His will obey the things written in His Word.  So now ask yourself again, "Do I love Him?"  

I Love the Lord with everything within me, and I hope you were able to answer honestly that you love Him too!  But if you cannot say that you love the Lord, and if you don't find yourself longing to be obedient to Him, as a way to show your love for Him.  Then please, read this next part carefully.  

Love is a choice, and Love is also something we tend to not give away easily.  We as humans tend to be careful of opening ourselves up, being vulnerable is not something we, in general, do well. But when we get to know God's character, when you see His provisions and protection, when you see the gifts He gives to us freely, it makes it easy to love Him.  Because when you know Him, you know that God is Love, and nothing you do will ever change His love for you.  We love Him because He first loved us.  So if you are struggling to love God today, I encourage you to get to know Him.  Spend time studying His Word, spend time in His presence, ask God to show Himself to you.  And I am sure it won't belong before you too can say, "I love God! And I want to obey Him. I want to please Him with everything I do and everything I say." 

Now I look forward to delving into the great promises God has given to us, because we love Him!!  Please join me over the next few weeks as we look at these seven promises...It's gonna be GREAT!

Nov 19, 2011

Psalm 91 - Chapter 13: The Enemy Under My Feet

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella Of Protection
Chapter 13: The Enemy Under My Feet

You will tread upon the lion and cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you will trample down.
Psalm 91:13

Let's stop and think for a minute...
What are the challenges, the problems, the catastrophic events facing you right now?

Do you have a major illness in your body or in a close loved one?

Do you have financial troubles?

Do you have relationship problems with another believer?

Have you found yourself fearing something unknown, something that may or may not ever happen?

Whatever the struggle; whatever the issue or problem; we have been given the ability to be victorious.  That doesn't mean that we have the right to trample on other people...What it means is that we have the power, through Christ, to walk through a situation and come out better than before the situation occurred.

I think of Job...God allowed Satan to bring disaster on Job's life.  He lost all of his livelihood, all of his servants, and all of his children in one day.  Then on top of that, he himself was afflicted with boils and sores on every inch of his body...His own wife told him to curse God and die...His closest friends blamed him and accused him of being a horribly unrighteous man.  Everything that could go wrong, went wrong in a matter of 24 hrs. But Job said, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him!". Job did not understand why these things happened, but He continued to trust God.  In the end God restored all Job had lost and blessed him with more than he had before.

This is a picture of walking victoriously...When we trust God no matter what, the very struggles and hard things we face will be used to bring Christlike traits out in us, and we will find God's blessing in our lives beyond our imaginations.  It doesn't mean the hard times won't come...but it does mean that even in the midst of those times, we can know that God is in control, God still sits on the throne, God still holds us in the palm of His mighty hands, and God has already given us the power and ability to walk through the flames and not be burned, to walk through the raging sea and not drowned, for God is with us!!  Today take those issues, problems, burdens, mountain sized troubles, and hand them over to God...When you give it to God, and trust him to bring you through, you will not be defeated, you will walk victoriously!

Nov 16, 2011

Psalm 91 - Chapter 12: Angels Watching Over Me

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella Of Protection
Chapter 12: Angels Watching Over Me

For He will give His angels charge concerning you,
To guard you in all your ways.
They will bear you up in their hands,
That you do not strike your foot against a stone.
Psalm 91:11-12

I have told the story many times, but I'm not sure if I've shared it on this blog before, so I'd like to share a story of how God sent His angels not only for my protection, but also let me get a glimpse, so that it brought peace to my troubled mind.  

To tell the story properly I have to give a little history...all my life I have dealt with bad dreams...terrible nightmares.  Being raised in a christian home I learned at a young age that there was power in prayer, and that we could know and trust God to protect us, I've heard countless stories of times when God caused someone to change their plans only to find out later that if they had continued with their original plans they would have been involved in a major catastrophe. Or of times when someone came to a family members rescue, only to disappear without any one seeing where they went.  

So when as a young married person I found myself alone overnight for the first time, and all the thoughts of horrible things that could happen started to come in to try to cause fear, I decided the only way I was going to get any sleep, was to proclaim God's Word, and then specifically ask God to place Angels around the house...I asked Him to place one at every door, at every window, one at my bedroom door and then one at each corner of my bed.  I figured I was alone and scared, I could not have too much protection.  So I grabbed my bible read some scriptures, and laid my bible and the phone right next to the bed in case I needed it.  

I was able to go to sleep without much trouble but then the dream started.  I had one of the most terrible evil dreams ever...I don't really remember all the details, but it was dark, demonic and just evil...I remember sitting straight up in bed, as soon as my eyes were open, and I was trembling, and sweating profusely.  All I could do was call on Jesus, and that is when God opened my eyes, and I could see the sword of an angel standing at my bedroom door...I didn't see the angel itself, but I saw the most incredible, intricate and beautiful sword I've ever seen.  It was gold, and silver and had beautiful stones and gems of all different colors laid in it, and it looked to be on fire.  But not only was this sword beautiful it was gigantic...seriously, the top of the handle was up in the ceiling and the tip of it touched the floor. The cross part where the handle and the blade meet (not sure what that's called) but it was as wide as the door frame. I remember sitting in my bed staring at this beautiful sword, and feeling God's peace flood the room. 

Now you need to know that I have terrible vision, and I cannot see the details of anything more than a foot away from me without my glasses, but here I was without any glasses or contacts, sitting across the room and could see it in perfect blurring, no double outline, my vision was perfect.  As I sat there I did a double take,I looked around the room and then back to the door, and I watched the sword slowly fade, and the room was dark again.  As I'm writing this, I realize something I never fully grasped before...the room was dark before, the room was dark after, but I could see clearly everything while the sword was visible...It acted like a made the room as if it were broad day light...Amazing, I don't know how I missed that before! 

Anyway, it was clear to me that not only had God heard my prayer, He did just as I asked and put the angels in their places around the house.   I had always seen angels in my minds eye, as human looking, you know in shape and size.  But no more, not after seeing that sword!  I can tell you the angel holding that sword had to be at least 10-12 feet tall if not taller...The sword itself was at least 8-9 feet tall. Are you getting the picture? This was no small angel and no small amount of protection.  This promise of having God's angels protect and watch over us, is so amazing and just shows how much God really cares for us.  He didn't send out a weak small little angel to protect me, no He sent a Goliath sized, strong and powerful angel...God goes above and beyond to protect and provide for us.  I am so thankful for that...He never gives us just enough, but always over and abundantly more than we ask or even imagine.  

Nov 12, 2011

Psalm 91 - Chapter 11:No Plague Comes Near My Family

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella of Protection
Chapter 11: No Plague Comes Near My Family

No evil will befall you, 
Nor will any plague come near your tent.
Psalm 91:10

As I read this chapter, I find myself battling with doubts...Really will we really be able to protect our families just by believing this one simple promise? Is it really that simple?  It just doesn't seem like it would be enough.  But then I am reminded, that God only had to speak to bring this whole world into existence, His Words are full of life, and power.  So, if God has promised it, and His Word declares it, who am I to question what God says?  His ways are so much higher than mine. His thoughts are so far above my thoughts.  The future is a clear picture to Him, while I sit and wonder, and have no clue what tomorrow may hold...when I think of these things I realize it would be foolish to not believe what God says.  God's Word is powerful and living and active, we need to read it daily, memorize it and quote it....but even more important we need to believe it! Today I choose to put my faith in God and His Holy Word.  In 1 Corinthians 1:18 the Apostle Paul wrote "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." Here is my own version of this verse as it would relate to God's Promises... The promises of God are foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who believe, it is God's protection at work.

My prayer is that today you would make the choice to believe even if everything around you tells you it would be foolish...Because even God's foolishness is wiser than man's wisdom!

Nov 9, 2011

Psalm 91 - Chapter 10: Though a Thousand Fall

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella of Protection
Chapter 10: Though a Thousand Fall

A thousand may fall at your side 
And ten thousand at your right hand, 
But it shall not approach you. 
Psalm 91:7

Wars and natural disasters, economic issues, diseases and more...all these things surround us on a daily basis.  We tend to just accept it as the way life is, sometimes you win, sometime you loose.  But this verse tells us that just because these things are affecting everyone around us, does not mean we have to accept it and deal with it...God has made provision for us, He has made a promise to protect us.

Think about a battle scene (The Chronicles of Narnia movies have a couple good ones),  thousands of men ready to fight, maybe ten thousand on one side and twelve thousand on the other...they all march out into the large meadow and arrows and cannons balls begin to fly.  The armies keep marching, closer and closer together, until the commander gives the signal, and then they run head long towards their enemy, fighting to the death, with swords, spears and the like.  Now pause the picture in your head...this right here, this scene is a picture of this promise...God says that when you find yourself with a thousand falling at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, it will not approach you.  

I find it hard to imagine, me a city girl, who doesn't like bugs, or spiders...who has always been fairly sheltered from the storms of life...I can't imagine myself in a physical battle like this one, but I know that if I just turn on the news, and just look around at the people I see everyday when I'm in Costco, Walmart, Target, the doctors office, or the gas station...everywhere we go there are signs of destruction all around..and there are thousands at my side who are falling, and ten thousand at my right hand who can't seem to get back up...But my God has made me a promise, that those things that have cost so many people so much, and have taken everything from so many people, will not even approach me.

Peggy Joyce Ruth say's it so well... "Many people think of the gospel as an insurance policy, securing only their eternity and their comfort after disaster strikes. They are depriving themselves of so much. Perhaps we all need to ask ourselves the question, 'What kind of coverage do I have-fire or life?' God's Word is more than just an escape from hell; it is a handbook for living a victorious life in this world."  

So ask yourself, what kind of coverage are you believing God for?  It is our faith and belief that will make these promise not just written words, but real protection in our lives.

Father God, Thank you for providing for us and giving us your promised protection.  We sometimes forget that You want us to live victorious abundant lives, not defeated and helpless lives.  So today, Lord, I ask that you work in our hearts and in our minds, help us to have the faith to believe Your promises, and to stand firm in our faith even when the thousands around us are we choose to believe Your Word over the things our eyes are seeing.  Lord, help us in our unbelief!
We love You and Thank You!
In Jesus Name, AMEN

Nov 5, 2011

Psalm 91 - Chapter 9: I Will Not Fear The Destruction

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella of Protection
Chapter 9: I Will Not Fear The Destruction

You will not be afraid of...the destruction that lays waste at noon.
Psalm 91:5-6b

God has given us all of these promises because it is His desire to protect and provide for us.  I love the fact that long before we ever have a need, He already has the provision ready, we just need to accept it and believe it.  Sometimes we get overwhelmed with the circumstances around us, and find it hard to believe that the very thing we are seeing with our natural eye can be changed in moment.  This is when is it important to have faith, faith is not a feeling, it is choice! You either choose to believe the things you see with your natural eyes, or you choose to have faith and believe in God and the promises He has given us.  Peggy Joyce Ruth made a good point so I just have to quote her here..."Faith is not a tool to manipulate God into giving you something you want. Faith is simply the means by which we accept what God has already made available. Our goal needs to be the renewal of our minds, to such an extent that we have more faith in God's Word than in what we see.  God does not make promises that are out of reach."  Wow, I don't think it could be said any better than that! 

Thank you Lord, for giving us your Word, and for making provision for us long before we ever need it.  You are so amazing and Your love is never ending.  We are so unworthy of Your love, and grace, and every promise You have given us.  But we are thankful that You love us no matter what we say or do, and that all You ask of us, is for us to come to You, just as we are, and to trust You.  So today, we choose to put our trust, our faith, and hope in You.  You are everything we will ever need and so much more! We love You and Thank You!! God, You are so Good!!  Amen