Nov 9, 2011

Psalm 91 - Chapter 10: Though a Thousand Fall

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella of Protection
Chapter 10: Though a Thousand Fall

A thousand may fall at your side 
And ten thousand at your right hand, 
But it shall not approach you. 
Psalm 91:7

Wars and natural disasters, economic issues, diseases and more...all these things surround us on a daily basis.  We tend to just accept it as the way life is, sometimes you win, sometime you loose.  But this verse tells us that just because these things are affecting everyone around us, does not mean we have to accept it and deal with it...God has made provision for us, He has made a promise to protect us.

Think about a battle scene (The Chronicles of Narnia movies have a couple good ones),  thousands of men ready to fight, maybe ten thousand on one side and twelve thousand on the other...they all march out into the large meadow and arrows and cannons balls begin to fly.  The armies keep marching, closer and closer together, until the commander gives the signal, and then they run head long towards their enemy, fighting to the death, with swords, spears and the like.  Now pause the picture in your head...this right here, this scene is a picture of this promise...God says that when you find yourself with a thousand falling at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, it will not approach you.  

I find it hard to imagine, me a city girl, who doesn't like bugs, or spiders...who has always been fairly sheltered from the storms of life...I can't imagine myself in a physical battle like this one, but I know that if I just turn on the news, and just look around at the people I see everyday when I'm in Costco, Walmart, Target, the doctors office, or the gas station...everywhere we go there are signs of destruction all around..and there are thousands at my side who are falling, and ten thousand at my right hand who can't seem to get back up...But my God has made me a promise, that those things that have cost so many people so much, and have taken everything from so many people, will not even approach me.

Peggy Joyce Ruth say's it so well... "Many people think of the gospel as an insurance policy, securing only their eternity and their comfort after disaster strikes. They are depriving themselves of so much. Perhaps we all need to ask ourselves the question, 'What kind of coverage do I have-fire or life?' God's Word is more than just an escape from hell; it is a handbook for living a victorious life in this world."  

So ask yourself, what kind of coverage are you believing God for?  It is our faith and belief that will make these promise not just written words, but real protection in our lives.

Father God, Thank you for providing for us and giving us your promised protection.  We sometimes forget that You want us to live victorious abundant lives, not defeated and helpless lives.  So today, Lord, I ask that you work in our hearts and in our minds, help us to have the faith to believe Your promises, and to stand firm in our faith even when the thousands around us are we choose to believe Your Word over the things our eyes are seeing.  Lord, help us in our unbelief!
We love You and Thank You!
In Jesus Name, AMEN