Those Who Trust The Lord Shall Not Be Disappointed
Chapter 5: Don't Negate The Promise
I love reading of this families struggles and trials and seeing how God provided every need in His own time and always it was more than they could have ever hoped for, based on the circumstances they faced. So many times as we go through life we see the situation or obstacle and we allow the circumstances we see to keep us from believing for the good thing God has planned for us. Like the story of Tim missing out on the provision God had for him, we too can miss out on provisions from God when we let doubt and disbelief come in, instead of faith and believing. In life there are times when we just don't know what or how God could fix the situation, but we need to remember that God is not limited, He can do the impossible...we must believe, have faith and wait for His timing, for His timing is perfect, and His ways are best!