Those Who Trust The Lord Shall Not Be Disappointed
Chapter 6 - Jack's Turn
Some of the stories this family shares are so unbelievable...but with God all things are possible and even though we may not see a way for things to work, God is greater, stronger, and bigger than any situation. I've heard the saying "God owns the cattle on a thousand hills" all of my life, but in truth there have been very few times when I have stepped out in faith expecting Him to supply my need when there was no other way. I think most of us have trouble just saying okay God you said to do it, so I'm gonna do it, no matter what it looks like from my perspective. My hearts desire is to get to a place of trust and faith, where when God speaks I don't hesitate or delay, but I step out in faith, knowing that My God will not let me be disappointed...I want that kind of faith!