Those Who Trust The Lord Shall Not Be Disappointed
Chapter 4 - One Step At A Time
One of the hardest things to do is to trust that everything is going to work out for good, when all you can see is the bad. God has a plan for each of us and though we may not always see it or understand it, if we trust Him, He will work it out for good and we will not be disappointed. I enjoy watching God work in the lives of others, as it is much easier to see the good coming when you are not in the middle of the bad yourself. However, when I am the one walking through the bad times, it is a lot harder to see how good could come about, and I think God makes it that way on purpose. If we were always able to figure out what He was doing and could see a clear path from the bad to the good, we would not need to trust Him, we would probably take it into our own hands and mess it up even more. God is a good God and He wants good things for us, but He is not willing to do the work and let someone else take the glory for He makes it very apparent that without His hand at work in a situation, it would not have worked out for good at all. I am so thankful that we have a loving God, who desires to see us succeed and who wants to bless us. My prayer is that each of us will take whatever situation we are dealing with - whether good or bad, whether it looks like it is only getting worse or is starting to get better - and hand it over to God and let Him make it work out for the good of everyone involved.