Sep 7, 2011

Those Who Trust The Lord - Chapter 2

Those Who Trust The Lord Shall Not Be Disappointed 

Chapter 2 - The Miracles Begin

I don't know about you, but reading this chapter is a huge faith builder for me.  To step out in faith and be obedient to God's leading when everything around you is telling you it is pointless and trust God despite the fact that there seems to be no way it could possibly work out for good...I want to have that kind of faith.  

My husband and I have hopes and dreams and there are circumstances that make it look as if it will take years to achieve them and even then it depends on the economy and other things which we have no control it is easy to get discouraged in our planning and efforts, but this story has made me stop and realize that with God it is possible, and it can workout even better than we hope for, if we just trust Him.  

So today I sat down and wrote out a contract of trust to God...saying that no matter the circumstance no matter the issues we face, we will choose to trust God to be our source and supply. We will trust that in His timing all things will fall into place. So the beautiful picture, which looks like a thousand puzzle pieces piled in a huge heaping mess at the moment, will come together to bring glory to God. Because we will all know that without His hand at work in our lives, it would have never turned out so well.  

I imagine our lives without God's guidance and provisions would look something like a children's puzzle.  After years of being played with tossed on the floor, chewed on by little mouths, being stuck in the couch for months, etc.  Each piece is tattered, torn or worse; missing!  You may be able to get the pieces you have to fit together, but there are spots where just the cardboard show through from teeth marks, and the corners are bent and tattered,  there are a few pieces missing, you get an idea of what the picture could or should have been, but it is not the beautiful masterpiece it once could have been.  

No matter how hard we work to keep everything just so, in perfect condition, not loosing any of our pieces; it doesn't matter...there is nothing we can do on our own to make it turn out right.  We have to have the help of a Savior, Jesus Christ.  He is the only one who can take our lives and patch up the holes and tattered pieces to make it a glorious reflection of Himself.