Dec 12, 2011

Psalm 91 - Chapter 19: God Honors Me

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella of Protection
Chapter 19: God Honors Me

"I will...honor him."
Psalm 91:15

Receiving honor is no small promise! And honor from God, that should make us tremble; it is such a huge gift...nothing we do, or say could ever make us worthy of such a great gift.  Only through God's love and through His Son, Jesus Christ, could we ever be even considered as a recipient of God's honor.  

This time of year we celebrate the Birth of God's Son.  Jesus being fully God, humbled himself, and came down to earth as a man...but He was not born in a great palace, or in a decent hospital. No, God's Son was born in a lowly manger.  His bed made of straw, the only heat coming from a small lantern and the body heat of the animals - sheep, horses, cows, camels, chickens, maybe a small dog or barn cat.  It was not as if the owner had known the Son of God would be born in his stable that night, in all likely hood, with the census going on and his Inn being full to the max, the owner probably went out to feed the animals, but I doubt that he had time to make sure every stall was cleaned, that all traces of manure were shoveled and the dirt and cobwebs swept it was probably as filthy as a barn can get.  And yet this is where God's Son was born.  Why? Because of God's love for you and me.  

Our lives will never be the same because of that precious baby that was born that night.  And because of Jesus' sacrifices, his coming to earth as a man, dying on the cross for us, because of Him, we are able to be called the sons and daughters of the most high God, the King of Kings...When we love and obey our heavenly Father, not only do we grow closer in our walk with God, but He has promised to honor us.  I can only stand in awe of how amazing it is to know that the King of Kings looks at me with not just love, and mercy, and grace, but with honor and pride in His eyes...He is proud of us, He is our biggest fan, He sees us not just as we are or what we've been, but He sees through His loving kindness, and wants to honor us.  Wow! What an amazing gift!!