Oct 19, 2011

Psalm 91- Chapter 7: I Will Not Fear The Arrow

Psalm 91: God's Umbrella Of Protection

Chapter 7: I Will Not Fear The Arrow

You will not be afraid of...the arrow that flies by day.
Psalm 91:5

For the last couple of weeks I have read over and over again about the Whole Armor of God.  In my daily Bible reading, in a book I'm reading, on another blog, and now here in this chapter.  Time and again I am reminded that all of us are in a constant battle...Those flaming arrows are not something that might happen...they are guaranteed! Satan will not let you just stand by, no one is exempt from his constant devices, traps, arrows and schemes.  But we can take comfort in the fact that just as being in this battle is not an option, victory in this battle is guaranteed as well. Satan's schemes and arrows are no match for the powerful promises of God, and the Whole Armor of God - the thing is we have to choose to believe and accept those promises and we have to choose to put on that Armor!  

When I was in High School, my Youth Pastor  and his wife advised us to physically put on the Armor of God each day...read Ephesians 6:10- 18 and as each piece of armor is mentioned and described go through the actions of actually putting on a belt, a breastplate, shoes, a helmet, hold up your shield, and your sword...going through the motions may seem silly, but something about doing this makes your faith grow as the invisible spiritual armor  is connected to a real physical action. 

God is so good.  I know I say that a lot, but sometimes we forget, and we start trying to do things on our  own...but if we really knew the goodness of God we would trust Him in everything and never feel the need to try things on our own...so repeat it out loud, over and over again...until you believe it with all of your heart, your soul and mind...GOD IS SO GOOD!!!