Jul 26, 2013

"Help Me Find It"

"Help Me Find It"

There are times in life when you know what you want, you have an idea of how things will probably go, but you don't know the whens, wheres, whats, and hows, of it all.  It is in times like these when we tend to try to figure things out and make things happen on our own.  

I have trouble with this! Especially when I know what the end goal is, but do not know how everything is going to go. More often than not, it is because half of the things that need to take place for the goal to happen, are completely out of my hands.  

But one thing I've come to know, is that the best thing we can do, when we don't know what to do, is call on Jesus! 
God has a plan for us! 
God will work everything out for our good if we are loving and serving Him. 
That is a promise, and God is always faithful to uphold His end of the deal, when we uphold ours! 
So where does that leave us?  
It leaves us with one important job.  
Loving, serving, trusting, and leaning on Jesus.   

As I was driving down the road the other day, praying for guidance and wisdom, I heard this song.  While I am sure I've heard it before, I'm not sure that I've paid much attention to the lyrics.  But I found that this song echoed the cry of my heart, giving me words for the thoughts and feeling I held inside.  

If you find yourself searching, trying to figure things out, I hope you will listen to these words, and make them  a prayer over your life for today, tomorrow and everyday to come!