1. When our hearts have been broken, what are some destructive ways we are tempted to react?
I think it depends on the person, here are just a few I can think of off the top of my head...some people try to lash out in anger or try to get revenge, where someone else might try to cover their hurt with drugs or alcohol, others may close themselves off from everyone and deal with depression and thoughts of suicide, but no matter who we are or what we are tempted to do, to deal with our pain...Jesus is the only real answer!
2. Why are people sometimes intimidated by the depth of our need? Why is Christ never intimidated by our need?
People are just that; People! We are limited in what we can handle and how much we can take on...somethings are just to great for us to handle on our own. I also believe that many times we are intimidated by situations that hit too close to home with an issue in our own lives. If we have hurt and pain in our own lives that we have not dealt with, there is no way we can help anyone else who is going through a similar situation.
Jesus on the other hand, not only can handle way more than anything we could give Him, but He has walked this earth and dealt with the same types of things. Not only that but He has also made it possible for us to be victorious through them.
3. How do you suppose Jesus felt over the betrayal by Judas?
I can only imagine that that type of betrayal would hurt beyond words. To have someone you love and trust, trade your life for 30 pieces of silver; I cannot even begin to imagine.
4. Why did Christ consider only Judas's actions betrayal?
Judas did not just do something selfish without thinking of what it would mean for Jesus, He planned it out in advance knowing full and well that it would cost Jesus His life, and went ahead and did it anyway.
The other disciples may have fallen away...but it was out of fear for their own lives...it was in response to the situation, not preplanned without a care or concern for those it may effect.
5. What is the difference between betrayal motivated by selfishness and betrayal motivated by evil?
I would say Judas acted out of evil, where as the other disciples acted out of selfishness. Betrayal motivated by evil is just that evil, without any concern for those it effects, it wants to bring havoc down on all those involved. Where as betrayal motivated by selfishness, does not necessarily want others to be hurt, but out of self-preservation, acts in a manner that may hurt others.