Nov 14, 2010

Chapter 4: To Glorify God

1. How has God made Himself known to you?

Through His Word, the Holy Spirit working in my life, and through the people He has brought into my life. I can think of multiple people that God has used specifically to teach me things about Himself. Also, through life the valley's, on the mountain tops and everywhere between - God has been faithful.

2. What does it mean that Christ is the radiance of God's glory?

We can see a clear picture of God's glory by looking at and studying the life of Christ.  As Beth states "God's glory far exceeds anything we can comprehend" - But God has given us a window (Jesus) to look through and get a great glimpse.

3. What does giving glory to God mean to you?

Well, if you would have asked me before this study I probably would have said something like "Giving God glory is when we give Him the credit or acknowledge His work in our lives". 
But now I realize that when we give God glory, we are seeing God for who He is and letting Him know that we not only see it but that we believe it - Giving God the Glory is praising Him for who He is.

4. How does a christian develop a life that glorifies God?

Prayer and Bible study - do not just be a hearer of God's Word, but a doer as well.  Let God lead every area of your life and be obedient to Him - then when people see you, you can point to God and say, "it's not me; it's God!"

5. How can a person know if his or her life is glorifying God?

Consider the questions Beth asked on pg 34, these questions will help you see how much of your life is glorifying God and what areas you need to work on.