Nov 13, 2010

Chapter 3: To Know God and Believe Him

1. Are you experiencing the benefits of your covenant relationship with God through Christ?

There have been times in my life when I've realized that one or more of these benefits were lacking and then there are times when I can clearly see all of these benefits present in each day. Though God is always consistent and constant, we on the other hand have ebbs and flows and there are times when our disobedience makes it so that one or more of these benefits disappears from our life for a while, until we make things right with God, and walk in obedience to all He commands.

2. What has contributed most to your level of trust in God?

Experience! God has been faithful in every area of my life. The times that things didn't workout were the times when I tried to do things my way, instead of waiting on Him, for His perfect timing and will. When we wait for His perfect will even the hard times work out for good, and then you have His peace helping you through it.

3. What gives you the most problem when it comes to believing God?

Trust - I tend to make up a plan, and then tell God how things should go.
When my husband was a senior at Oregon Institute of Technology, in Klamath Falls, Oregon, we had some major decisions to make. One of which was whether to look for a job in K-falls or to move else where. JC was leaning towards moving elsewhere, but I really wanted to stay in K-falls, see there really weren't many job opportunities for my husband to use his degree in K-falls, but we were involved in a great church with great friends, and I loved my current job. So as I prayed about this, I told God my plan. I remember, after weeks of telling God my plan, and just how He needed to make it all work out,God finally had heard enough of my plan. So one morning as I sat at the dining room table reading my devotional (which was talking about trials and tribulations creating character) I started praying and asked God what my trial or tribulation was. You see I had friends and family members who had dealt with huge struggles, loosing a wife and mother unexpectedly, having multiple miscarriages, dealing with a brain tumor, and huge losses financially etc. I sat there telling God about all of these things in other peoples lives, and wondering why I was the only one not dealing with anything. I know it sounds crazy, why would you want terrible things like that? But for me it was more that I wanted to know that God was at work in my life and I knew that He was working in these other lives because you could see it in the miraculous way they were able to deal with these huge issues. Anyway, after yelling at God asking Him "what about me", the Holy Spirit spoke to me, and I know it was not audible, but it was very real, and as close to audible as it could be without anyone else hearing it. He said to me "Kayla, do you trust me?" I replied, "yes, Lord, of course I trust you." and then He said the one thing I never thought I would hear..."Even if it means leaving Klamath Falls?" When I heard those words I want to say yes, but in truth the answer was no. I had to sit there and make a conscience decision to trust Him. At that moment I realized that I had to give up my plan and choose to trust and follow Him even if it did not give me what I thought I wanted at that moment. After turning the decision over to God, everything worked out and I am thankful that I now can look back and know that we did God's will, and even though I still don't necessarily understand it all, God does work in amazing ways. I know that it would seem crazy that after having this conversation with God, and seeing Him work it all out that I would still struggle with trusting Him, but it seems like about the time I think I finally turned it all over to God and am fully trusting Him, something comes up, and I have to learn, once again, to turn the new issue over to God.

4. What practical steps could you take to increase your trust in God?

  • Study God's Word and write down and memorize scriptures that deal with the issue you have.
  • Prayer - No matter what level your trust in God, prayer is a great way to ask Him to reveal Himself to you and to ask Him to help you in your me He will!
  • Worship Music - Music has a way if effecting your thoughts, emotions and if you listen to the right music it can help encourage you spiritually. Worshiping God and singing songs of praise never fails to help your trust level to rise.
  • Talking with other believers about the things God has done /is doing...nothing builds faith like hearing of the miraculous ways God is working all around you.

Just a reminder to work on your memory work.

So far you should have worked on the following Scriptures:

Isaiah 61:1-4
Isaiah 43:10

as well as the Benefits and Obstacles:
1. To know and believe Him
2. To Glorify God
3. To find satisfaction in God
4. To experience God
5. To enjoy God's presence
1.Unbelief, which hinders knowing God
2. Pride, which prevents us from glorifying God.
3. Idolatry, which keeps us from being satisfied with God
4. Prayerlessness, which blocks our experience of God's peace.
5. Legalism, which stops our enjoyment of God's Presence.