Sep 26, 2012

God Has a Plan!

God Has a Plan!

So these last few weeks have been kind of crazy at our house, and now my oldest is settled into the big girl routine that come with starting Kindergarten, we are almost done with the canning/preserving season, and the new ministry for mom's, we are starting at church, has finally started. It seems like the past few months couldn't have been any crazier or busier!  But out of it all, there is one thing that I just can't get out of my heart and mind, and to be honest, I don't want to!  

No matter what plans we make, or how we think things should go, and no matter how far reality strays from our so neatly laid plans...we can always count on God!  

God has a plan!  He is never surprised by the events, circumstances, trials, frustrating issues or any other thing we may be surprised by.  He knows all about it, and knew way in advance it was coming.  I can guarantee you that though you may think, that you had no warning or preparation to deal with these surprises, God in His great love and mercy, prepares the way. He straightens the path. He makes the mountains shrink, and the valley's rise up.  When you can't see your way out, you can know that the ground under you is firm, solid and level.  God will even carry you when you can't seem to go any further.  

God's love for you, is greater than you can imagine or grasp! Our minds can't even start to comprehend how great God's love is.  

So when God says in Jeremiah 29:11, "I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for."

We can trust that He means it! God will go whatever distance is required, just to show you that you are special, beautiful, and loved.  

When we know how much God loves us, it is a whole lot easier to trust and lean on Him.  So, if you get just one thing out of this blog post, I hope it is this - That you are loved, and your life is precious! Whatever you have going on today, give it to God, and trust Him...He knows what He is doing, He has it all planned out.  He will not abandon you.  He wants to give you the future you hope for!

God is so good!!