Dec 3, 2011

Psalm 91 - Chapter 17: God Answers My Call

Psalm 91:God's Umbrella of Protection 
Chapter 17: God Answers My Call

"He will call on Me, and I will answer him..."
Psalm 91:15a

I am so thankful that we can call on God and know that He not only hears us, but that He will answer us too!  I remember a time when my husband and I were first married...he was in college, and I tried my best to bring in enough income so that he wouldn't need to work while finishing up school.  But even with all of my searching, calling, and going in for interviews, etc.  I could not find a job.  We had a small savings we had built up during the summer when JC was able to work, so we were living on as little as possible hoping and praying that I would find a good job before our savings ran out.  I remember the day that JC came to me with the bad the end of the month our savings would be gone.  We went to bed that night praying and hoping for God to give us a miracle.   The following day - Saturday, we got a call from the Pastor of our church, he asked us to come by to see him that afternoon.  So we agreed, and went to see him just after lunch. As it turned out, the church board had been discussing hiring a church secretary for some time, but had not settled on a definite answer.  That is until the night before, Friday night at their board meeting, when they decided to offer the position to me. So God provided a job, that I never even applied for, within a month of us running out of money.   I love looking back at that time and seeing how even though we didn't understand why every door seemed to close, God was in control, and had it all worked out just in time.  We don't always understand why it seems that God is saying "no!", but I can tell you that He does have a plan and when we call on Him, He will may not be the answer we pictured, but it will always be what is best for us.